Fifteen at last!

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(Carolyn's P.O.V)

"Happy birthday my Purdy Princess" my dad said trying to wake me up, "dad it's too early for me" I said not bothering to look at the time, "it's almost two o clock" my dad said,damnit! I got up and stretched "get dressed your mom and I are taking you out for lunch" he said leaving my room. Whoa, I'm fifteen today. I got up and went to my closet, I grabbed a Black Veil Brides shirt and my favourite ripped jeans. I looked in the mirror, I look like the bride of Frankenstein! I went to the washroom and brushed my hair

----5 minutes later----

After about five minute in the washroom I had gotten rid of the rats nest in my hair :p , straightened and teased my hair, and did my makeup.

I went down stairs to see my uncles on the couch, "Uncle C.C!" I yelled running down the stairs, he looked at me and smiled "sup kiddo!" He said lifting me up into a hug, haha I'm fifteen years old and I still act like I'm five, oh well. "Hey what about us" my uncle Jinxx said, I finished hugging C.C and ran towards Jinxx. I gave him a hug. After hugging all my uncle, and them telling me I'm short -.- we went out for lunch.

-----le time lapse-----

After all the complaining of where to eat we decided on Boston Pizza, guess who chose this....My uncle Jake, oh well as long as I get food I'm happy :3.

"Carolyn I have something for you" my mom said with a smile on her face "close your eyes" she said, I did what I was told, since if I open my eyes I'll have witnesses. "Okay. You can open your eyes" my mom said, I opened my eyes and saw a Blood On The Dance Floor sweater in front of me "oh my god mom! Thank you so much!" I said trying not to yell and hugged my mom. "When we get home you have more presents from all of us" my uncle Jinxx said. I looked at my sweater and smiled, I hope today is better than yesterday.

-----le time lapse (again XD)----

When we got home I ran to the couch, just so I have a place to sit. "Okay Carolyn, this one is from uncle Jake" my mom said like I was turning five. "Mom I'm not five anymore" I said laughing, she gave me the present. When I opened it I almost screamed with joy "YOU GOT ME A GUITAR!" I yelled, I saw my uncle jake nod, I ran up to him and hugged him. I looked at my guitar one more time, I still can't believe he got me a guitar. "Guess who this one's from" my dad said, handing me a black gift bag, "is it from you?" I asked, he nodded. I opened the the bag and the first thing I see is a card, I took it out and read it, it said

'I know your a teenager now, you might not need my help with simple things anymore, but remember your my baby no matter what. Love Daddy' I smiled and looked in the bag again, I see a little black box, I took it out and opened it, it was a necklace that said daddy's girl. I smiled at my dad, I put on the necklace and ran to my dad, "I love you daddy" I said, he hugged me back "I love you to my Purdy princess" he said. I finished hugging my dad and opened some more gifts, "this one from me" my uncle Jinxx said handing me a dark purple gift, I opened it, I got a guitar case with my name in blood red on it, I hugged my uncle Jinxx "thank you" I said, he looked at me and smiled "you're welcome" he said. "This ones from me." My uncle C.C said, I opened his gift and got guitar picks, I smiled and hugged him as tight as I could, "don't kill me!" He yelled, I laughed and let him go "thank you for the guitar picks" I said to him, he smiled your welcome. "I have two gifts for you, one is a song we wrote, and the other is this" he said holding out a red gift bag, I opened the bag and saw art supplies, I smiled even more, I ran to my uncle and hugged him "thank you uncle Andy" I said,"you're welcome kiddo" he said ruffling my hair. "Shall we go to your home studio and get instruments Ash" uncle Jake said to my dad, he nodded and the guys went to the home studio.

(Alice's P.O.V)

Ashley and the guys went to get instruments from the home studio, while me and Carolyn cleaned up the wrapping paper and such. "Carolyn can you go put your stuff in your room please" I said handing her the gifts "okay mom" she took her stuff and went to her room. I heard the doorbell ring as Ashley walked to the living room "I'll get it" he said put his bass down. "Hello Ashley" said a lady as Ash opened the door, it was Natasha.

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