Chapter 14: Spread the Peace, Bruh

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Chapter 14: Spread the Peace, Bruh


Wow. You'd think that thing should have kept quiet in my drawer. But it's still effective in waking me up.

After taking a shower with the help of my newly installed handrail, and getting dressed (by myself), I head down to eat.

There is a plate of eggs and bacon and some hotdogs on the table. A fresh cup of coffee beside it. There is no one downstairs or at the table. I see a note, though, attached to the refrigerator.


I have left early for work. Your mother decided to go to the grocery early (because that's when you get the best deals) and so we'll have to leave you with this awesome breakfast I made. Hope you like it.

P.S Clean up before you go. You can't just leave that here. You'll let your mother work again. Seriously. She needs a break.


I crumple the note and throw it away. I switch the tv on. The new Star Wars 7 trailer was playing. Man, I had to watch that.

Eating my breakfast, I receive a text from Wilfred.

'Chris shall pick us up. We need to get to school fast. There's something huge gonna happen.'

After I finish eating, there is a loud honk from outside. I fix the table first before I head outside to see where the noise is coming from.

When I looked out the window, I saw a white minivan which had 'Spread the Peace, Bruh' on the body.

Since when has anybody ever spray-painted that on a van in the 21st century? I mean, we're not hipsters anymore, dude. Times have changed.

The window rolls down and out comes Wilfred's head.

"Hey, Daniel! Are you coming or what?" He screams.

"Be right there!"

I grab my bag, unplug the tv and then lock the house.

"We're here!" He screams.

Why do you do this to me?

Wilfred opens the door to the minivan and gestures me to enter. Once I'm inside, Chris is up front, earphones on.

"What're you listening to? Some metal band?" I ask.

"Yeah, that," he replies.

He quickly unplugs it from his Ipod, but I see the playlist's name. It's called: "Flowery Times". Dude, I don't even want to ask.

"So, what's this big thing we're talking about?"

Wilfred takes a deep breath.

"We're gonna get an exclusive sneak-peek at the new Star Wars movie," he says.

My eyes widen.

"Woah! How'd you get that to happen? Man, this is one of the greatest days of my life. I'm gonna get to watch a preview of Star Wars, how cool is that?"

"See Luke, this guy in movie club, is a pretty tight friend of mine. He says that his father's brother's son's cousin is J. J. Abrams, and he convinced him to give him a sneak peek of the movie. He totally agreed and cut 20 minutes from the movie and he's gonna show it to us. Kind of ironic how Luke likes Star Wars."

"And, we'll have the whole theater to ourselves. Only, it would be kind of risky. We're gonna have to secure the area so that no one would see us. I mean, who doesn't love Star Wars right?" Chris says.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go!" I say.

Wilfred still has that smile on his face and so does Chris. The car starts moving and a Fall Out Boy song is playing. We're singing to it and banging our heads back and forth.

I am so glad I have these guys as my friends.

Took a while on this one. I had writer's block. MEHEHEHEHEHEHE

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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