*Chapter Sixteen*

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   We arrive and Henry-Pan is the first one to get off. Everyone cheers for them as they get off, every single person with an overly large smile on their faces. When it's our turn, Felix leads the way off. Scarlet glares at most everyone there and I roll my eyes at her. We keep walking and wait nearby, as everyone hugs, some people are even crying. Scarlet fake gags, and Jasper laughs at her. Felix walks over to a different spot further away from everybody, I follow him, leaving my small group in the crowd. Henry-Pan walks over to Felix and I, and smiles at us.

   "What do you have in mind, Peter?" Felix asks. "What if someone decides to open that box and let the real boy out?"

   "That's not the problem, trust me," Henry-Pan says.

   "What's the next step?" Felix asks.

   "You need to be punished," Henry-Pan says, and Felix and I give each other confused glances.

   "Hey! Mom, dad, what about Felix. He's still free," Pan says, loudly.

   "What are you doing?" Felix asks in a hushed tone.

   "They need to trust me," Pan whispers. Regina, Emma, David, and Snow walk over to us, Felix and I still confused as hell.

   "Henry's right. We can't just let Felix walk away freely," Regina says.

   "Oh don't worry. We have plenty of cell spaces for this guy," David says, grabbing Felix's shoulders and leading him away.

   "You're safe now, Henry," Emma says.

   "Is he? What about her? She has caused quite a bit of trouble for us," Regina says, motioning to me.

"They weren't really around when Pan held me capture," Henry/Pan speaks up and they turn to him.

"You sure?" Emma asks, raising her eyebrow.

"Yeah they won't do anything." They nod, finally agreeing, but Regina gives us a warning glare. Henry/Pan walks over to us before they leave.

"Don't come they will seem suspicious. Stay somewhere and wait for my orders," He says before following Emma and the rest as Scarlet turns to look at the rest of us.

"Let's go find a café," Scarlet says and we all nod. We walk down a random street in search of some sort of place to eat. Once we find one, Granny's, we go in and see a girl with red streaks in her hair standing behind the counter.

"Hi. How may I help you?" She asks from behind the counter. I smile at her and she stares at us weirdly and I shrug and look at the menu.

"An apple pie and sweet tea," Scarlet says and she nods typing it into some sort of device before yelling the order to an old lady towards the back of the kitchen area.

"Sweet tea for me and him," Jasper says motioning to Jake and she nods.

"I'll take a coke, and an apple pie," I say, not really knowing what a coke is. We sit at the bar and wait for our drinks. She gives us our things a few minutes later and we gladly take them. We watch as Emma and Henry/Pan walk in and take a booth. Emma takes out a large book and they start talking, but they are too far away to hear anything clearly. I see Hook watching them as I take a drink of my coke. Hmm, this tastes... different. Then I see Neal go over to Hook and chat with him. Neal says something I don't catch so I lean in for a better hearing point.

"Don't worry I'm not here to pursue the Lady Swan," Hook says then takes a sip of his beer. Neal says something, but he is way too quiet for me to hear.

"I made a decision, I'm gonna back off," Hook says.

"Back off?" Neal asks.

"For the sake of the boy, his parents have a fair shot without a devishly handsome pirate standing in the way," Hook says causing Scarlet to snort, but she quickly covers it up as I smirk and shake my head.

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