*Chapter Fourteen*

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   I groan, and run my hands through my hair, as I stare at the 'Happy Family'. All crowded around Henry. So worried about him. I block out their voices as I walk towards the entrance, about to walk out when I hear Regina.

   "He can bleed. We can hurt him," She says. "And if we can hurt him we can kill him. And we will." Sure. Okay. Have fun with that.

    I walk down the staircase quickly, and rush out to find Scarlet. I call her name a few times before she emerges from her hiding place.

   "That took forever," She complains. I roll my eyes and give her a brief summary of what has happened so far.

   "We should go now, if we want to get to Pan before someone else does." She nods her head and hops into our boat quickly, I start untying the rope I hear someone coming up behind me. I whip around to see Neal- Baelfire- standing behind me and I take a step back.

   "Don't come any closer," I say blankly, shaking my head.

   "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. We just need your help with something," He says, slowly walking towards me. "You live here, right? Do you know any place that Pan would go?" I glare at him and shake my head.

   "Nope. I have no idea," I lie. Obviously I know a few places. "And even if I did, why would I tell you?"

   "Because my son is dying," Regina says, walking over to us, Emma close behind carrying Henry. "And we need his heart back from Pan." I shake my head and laugh coldly.

   "And what would I get in return for helping you?" I ask, even though I know that I'm not telling them anything.

   "We'd take you home. Provide you a way off the island," Emma says and I shake my head quickly, laughing out loud.

   "I don't want it. I would never even think about going back there. This is my home," I say as I continue untying the rope from the rock. "I'm sorry about your son, I really am, but I'm not giving Neverland up for you." Scarlet looks at me, clearly disappointed. I take a step into the boat and grab an oar, using the end to push us away from them

   "Oh, and it's best you learn now, Pan never fails."


   Once we get to shore, I lead the way to Pan's camp. Scarlet doesn't say a word, even though I know she is dying to talk. About halfway to the camp, we run into Jake and Jasper. Scarlet sighs happily and she hugs them both.

   "Where's Damian?" I ask. Jake smirks and Jasper laughs.

   "I tied him up and put him by your house. Don't worry. He's not going anywhere." I smile and nod my head approvingly.

   "Hey, I think we are going to go talk for a few minutes," Scarlet says, nodding her head towards Jasper. I scoff at her, but nod my head anyways. Bad timing. We have a lot at stake here.

   "Yeah, sure. Meet us at Pan's camp." They both nod their heads and start walking off. I shake my head, turning towards the direction of Pan's camp, and I walk away. Jake rushes to catch up with me, and we walk the rest of the way in silence.

   When we arrive I see all of the boys tied up, the Charmings and Hook watching them. Jake and I hide in the bushes for a few minutes, before I decide to do something about it. 

   "I'm going in. Stay here in case something happens," I whisper. Jake reluctantly nods his head, and after a few protests, he lets my arm go. I stand up and sneak over to where Felix is tied up, walking out of the bushes.

Pan Never FailsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang