"Okay, but if you are not back by the end of the week then I am going to send everyone out looking for you,"

It was tuesday, so that gave me enough time to figure things out.

"I promise I will be back by then," I leaned in to give him a peck on the lips but he grabbed my hips and pulled my body closer to his deepening the kiss before pulling away just as I was getting into it.

"There, just wanting to leave you wanting more. Just extra insurance that you will return to me," he said giving me a small smile. I could tell that I was hurting him by leaving, but he respected the fact that it was something I had to do.

"Thank you for this Kaleb, and I promise you that I will be back before Sunday," and with that I left.

I quickly got outside and began to run. After running for a bit I made sure that no one was following my. I changed my direction and ran to the camp.

"Mary, please tell me you are not running away again?" Brian said as I ran into the clearing.

"Not really, they no I am missing this time. i have till Sunday. But you and I REALLY need to talk,"

He lead me into his tent and we sat down, I proceeded to tell him everything that has happened since the last time that I was here.

"So, you really saw your mother. Wow, I just... wow!" He said.

"Yes, and I have a way to get out of this, but I don't think you are going to like it, but it is the only way that I am going to be able to pull this off," I said looking at him.

"Yup, I have a feeling that I am not going to like this one bit,"

"Well, I am going to have to die. Or at least make it look like I died because if I live then Kaleb will learn of my betrayal and I will not let that future become a reality,"

"How are we going to pull this off?"

"Well, if I can figure out how to get in touch with my 'Mother' again then I have a plan that will work perfectly, if not, then we are going to wing it,"

"How can you be calm talking about your life like this," Brian said getting a little annoyed with me.

"In my line of work you expect to have a short life, I made everyday count so that the day that it ended I wouldn't have regrets," I told him seriously.

"Fine, if you don't want to take it seriously I have some big news. We found the child. Believe it or not he is the one spear heading the other side of this war, and he has agreed to cooperating with us if it means punishing those who have banished him and killed his mother. He is expected to arrive here tonight,"

"That is great, with more knowledge there should be less winging it. But, I think I am going to go train with your men, it always helped my relax to kick some guys ass," I said getting up and leaving his tent.

I was lucky, it was training time for the camp, though most of the time was spent training.

I quickly joined in a scrimmage between me and four other guys, two vampires and two lycans.

We all had staffs and were relentless in out attacks. I was dancing around them trying to get them to mess up there footing. I quickly swung out my staff trying to knock one lycan off of his footing. Then without much though I through out the back of the staff catching one of the in the side of the head. They were not expect the attack and fell due to the blow.

I quickly danced around the fallen man and one of my opponents messed up his footing trying to get around the man. I used this to my advantage and brought him down with a few quick blows. But because i wasn't paying attention one of the vampires landed a blow to my side.

He tried for another swing but I blocked cause the wooden staff to break from the blow. Using the two halves I began pushing the two men back, because they weren't paying attention they tripped over one of the fallen opponents. I pressed the end of the sticks to there throats.

"I win!" I said eventually lowering the staffs and helping them up.

"Damn, you are good," Said a voice that I didn't recognize. I turned and saw a new lycan standing next to Brian.

"Ah, you must be the one that we have been looking for," I said pulling the hair out of my face and putting it back into the bun.

"Yes, my name is Victor and you are..."

"You can call me Chay," with that I turned and began walking to the tent that was giving to me for the week.

"Where are you going?" Brain asked.

"To get cleaned up, I don't want to talk to our guest smelling like BO thanks," I said laughing and walking into the tent to wash and change.

I hope that this man is everything we heard he is... My life may depend on it...

Only Vampires Could Kidnap A Highly Trained AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now