"Don't you have something or someone else to bother" Florence cut Kaylee off.

"Wow!" Kaylee was annoyed now. "As a matter of fact I do. I am going out this afternoon. I thought you should know." With that she bounced off the bed and headed out.

"With who?" Florence called out."

"A friend!"

"Which friend do you have in London?" Florence asked again.

"None of your business!" Kaylee said before shutting the door and returned to her room.

What's their problem? I am trying to help but they seem to be fine on their own Kaylee thought to herself as she flopped on her bed and picked up one of the novels she had just purchased. It was RED by Ted Dekker. She opened it and began reading it.

Hours flew fast with no spectacular event except for Kaylee's change of position as she read each page after the other. She was so engrossed in the story that she almost didn't hear her phone ring.
"Hello?" She picked her call without looking at the caller.

"You know if you had texted your address to me I would have been on my way over by now." She head his voice and was immediately lost for words. His voice was so deep with a hint of tenderness which made Kaylee wonder if he sang. She made a mental note to ask him sometime about it.

"Oh I am so sorry I totally forgot to text the address."

"If you don't want to go you don't have to you-"

"No I want to go, I will text the address now. I will be waiting for you outside okay? See you soon"

"Okay then" Seun chuckled before he cut the call.

Kaylee peered at the time and saw it was already 2pm. How did that happen she wondered before she stripped down and jumped into the hottest shower she had ever had. After few minutes, she ran out with a big bath rope before brushing through her clothes for an outfit. She settled for a yellow turtle neck sweater top, a pair of dark blue high waist jean and black boots. She combed out her hair and left it down to provide as a shield for her ears before she threw on a black beanie. Kaylee hurriedly coated her lashes with mascara before applying a nude lipstick. She decided on a very light make up since it was just a movie and not a ball room party.
Grabbing her back coat of the rack she hurried out of the house before Dapo could stop her and made her way to the gate of the apartment just as Seun's black SUV approached. The last thing she wanted was for her sister and her husband to scrutinize Seun in the state they were in. it was best if she just left without a word.

"Hi There!" Seun said as he parked in front of her.

"Hello" Kaylee gave a lovely smile reaching for the door.

"Oh No! Hang on I got that." Seun said getting out of his seat behind the wheel and jogged round the car to open the door for her.
She gave him another generous smile as she got in.

"You look gorgeous." he complimented her taking a fill of her appearance.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself doc." She giggled.

"Oh yeah! I only try." Seun smirked before he shut the door after her and went back to take his place behind the wheels. As he retreated, Kaylee used the opportunity to admire him. He had on an ash colored sweater which he paired with a navy blue jean and combat boots. He didn't wear a cap so his curly hair was out for her to admire.
"Are you Nigerian?" she asked immediately he got in.
"Woah! Hold on! You are not that type of girl that asks questions before the date actually starts are you?"

"So this is a date after all? I thought it was a check-up or you performing your professional and civic duties?"

"Well we would have to watch and see right?" he said with a cheeky smile that revealed a dimple she had never noticed.
Gosh! How come she never noticed? And that smile? Kaylee melted away with his smile but turned away to hide her blush.

In The Spirit Of Christmas #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now