Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    Tommy was on the ground—writhing—nearly screaming...blood was trickling down the side of his mouth. Jose knelt down beside Tommy, but Manson kicked him in the knee. Jose fell to the ground. Tommy had seen something—a figure walking toward a balcony filled with fog and then a piercing scream and the figure dangling on a rope, blood smearing his neck...

    He was having a seizure. And Manson wasn't doing anything about it....he was smiling...

    Manson pulled out a pistol and aimed it at a couple of students, firing a few shots, and sending the kids scattering. There was a couple screams as students were hit. Blood dripped to the ground...

    Tommy rolled and rolled and rolled—And he heard another sort of voice in his head, something whispering. Then it was over. He stood up, looking confused. He saw some of his fellow students looking down in fear at him and he saw Manson standing over him with a gun.

    “Come on,” said Manson. He turned the gun around and fired another shot. There was a thump as a body slammed against the floor.

    “Why are you doing this to us?” asked Jose.

    “Because I can,” Manson said. “And I had to anyway. I couldn't let you stupid children going around's too dangerous. I am trying to save you.”

    “No your not. If you were trying to save us, why did you shoot a few students and why do you even have a gun in the first place?” asked Tommy.

    “To protect you, weren't you listening. That's the problem with kids these days, they never listen.” He put the gun to Jose's back. “Now come on.” Jose was pushed forward and he walked along with Manson. Tommy and Michael were thinking about doing something, anything, to free Jose, but just then a door opened and two men with machine guns entered, roughly grabbing them by the arms, and pushing them through the door. Tommy was still thinking about what had just happened—he could hardly remember it...

    He was just thinking that he had been standing up, and then he had fallen into some sort of trance and was having a sort of seizure, and then the world went to hell because Manson had a gun and he had shot several people. He had shot students that Tommy had known for a long time, some of them had once been his friends, and that just made him sad. He wanted to get out of here, but he doubted that would happen any time soon. Michael and Tommy were led down a narrow hallway and into a dark room, where the men pushed them in and slammed the door shut, plunging them in darkness.

    That moment was when the dreams began.

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