The next day passed with still no sign from my mother. I didn't do much thinking since I spent most of this day just moving in and out of sleep. I lost the need to use the bathroom anymore so at least I didn't have to get myself out of the bed.

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I had to admit everything was beyond blurry. No matter how many times I blinked the world would not come into focus for a very long time, but when it did to my surprise there was a bottle of water and a jello cup, by my door with a note on it. I pushed myself off my bed and onto the floor, falling immediately to my hands and knees since I didn't have the strength to stand anymore. I crawled my way over to the door and grabbed the water knowing I needed that the most. I began to guzzle it down not letting a single drop go to waste, I was beyond being thirsty. When it was all gone I eyed the note next to the jello cup. Gingerly picking up the jello I opened the note and ate the jello slowly while reading it.

Don't think that you have managed to escape your mother's wrath because you haven't, but I rather not have to deal with murder charges and seeing her deal with them either, so I'm giving this to you to sustain you until tomorrow. You will be going to school and you will not let her see you, the door is unlocked now, so when she is not in the house get rid of whatever that awful stench penetrating your room is.

It ended there.

I'm taking it that dad had written the letter. I didn't really care though, I was just glad they didn't leave in here to die.

Hearing my mother and father head off to their respective jobs, I got to work on deposing the waste in my bedroom and getting a lot more water. I didn't want to chance getting more food though, my mother was angry enough, I didn't want her to notice even a spec different when she returned and make the punishment worse. I could at least get water out of the tap without her noticing. And so the majority of my Wednesday was spent drinking water to make up for the 4 days I was deprived from it.

Thursday morning was not a pleasant awakening. I still barely had enough calories in me to amount to any kind of energy, but I at least could move a little better since I got the water back and I would be able to get some food at school. I had to be honest I was a little worried, I had never missed so many days of school in a row before and I didn't want to know how the kids would react to me coming back, most of them probably thought I transferred out and got excited so going back and ruining that for them might not be too good.

Once out of my house I made my way into school. I snuck over to my locker successfully, but that's where my luck ran out. Thankfully it wasn't a student coming to beat me up, I don't know how much of that I could take today, it was one of my teachers coming to give me a lecture for missing so many days of class without prior notice. Honestly, what the hell do they know?! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to your damn class while I was slowly dieing in my room, oh please forgive me!

So after getting that annoying lecture from just about every teacher after every class this morning I finally made it to lunch. I quickly grabbed my lunch from the vending machine like usual and hurried off to the gym to try and start the workload given to me for missing their classes. The afternoon was pretty much the same as this morning, lectures and more work due tomorrow.

Leaving the school however wasn't as easy as getting into it. Sneaking out my usual back entrance I was ambushed by some of Ushio's old lackies Rafael and Valon.

"I hope you didn't think that after disappearing for 3 days this week that you were going to get away with nothing did you?" Valon sneered, but I didn't reply, I just stood and stared.

"What not gonna talk freak," Rafael went on. "Fine then we'll just have to beat the noise out of you." And with that a sharp punch to my stomach landed on me.

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