-Chapter 22- Fake Friend

Start from the beginning

"Ye don't have to yell at meh." Merida said in annoyance while she typed in the name.


"We're in!" Merida said.

"Okay, what do we check first?" I asked.

"Who she has been callin'." Merida said and went to the list of numbers Punzie last spoke with. She quickly scrolled through the list of numbers. I decided to continue to search for Elsa's phone.

"Any strange numbers?" I asked while I went through Elsa's suitcase again.

"No private numbers, which is good. Ay guess. She does speak a lot with a lad called Jack, is that-"

"Elsa's boyfriend?! I mean ex, I mean- Argh! I don't know! Why is Punzie talking to him?" I exclaimed.

"Ay don't know but they better start being honest with us." Merida said angrily.

"Don't be angry with them. Maybe they're just trying to protect us?" I said while I walked over towards one of the beds and sat down on it.

"What makes ye so sure?" Merida crossed her arms.

"The day after our house burned down, Elsa and I went to visit it one last time. A police officer walked up to us and asked for Elsa. He gave her a big envelope. Later, inside the car, Elsa opened the envelope and there was a crumbled piece of paper in it. A handwritten letter. I didn't get the chance to read it, Elsa wouldn't let me. She seemed shocked after she read the letter, she didn't tell me what was in it. She only said that we wouldn't be talking to the police." I said.

"Wait, does that mean that the police is with that gang too?" Merida asked unsurely.

"I don't know, it's all so complicated." I sighed.


"Everyone, this is Jack. Jack, this is everyone." Hiccs said, I could sense that he was still annoyed by my presence. I chuckled a bit. We were in Hiccup's dorm, he had called all his friends who were apparently the heroes that would stop the gang.

"Okay, so this is your squad that is going to stop the gang?" I snickered. "No offense."

"How is that not offensive?" A blond guy who looked like he couldn't hurt a fly said.

"There are two missing, my girlfriend and Hans." The other guy said. He looked like he had a pretty big ego.

"Hans who?" I asked.

"Our friend, Hans Westerguaard." Hiccs said.

"What? Throw him out of the group! Immediatly!" I exclaimed.

"Why?" The blond guy asked.

"Because he works for the gang! And he's not forced to do so like most of us are." I said.

"Why should we believe you? We have known you for 30 minutes and we have known Hans since kindergarden. He seemed pretty motivated to stop all of this. Besides, you don't have a very bright reputation yourself." The guy with the ego said.

"I have to admit, he's a pretty good actor. But if you don't believe me, you could ask the Arendellian sisters. They've seen it with their own eyes. Or I could just take a picture for you next time I see him." I said.

''Wait, you know Anna and Elsa?'' Hiccs asked.

''I do. Elsa is my girlfriend.'' I said proudly.

''And Punz never told me this?''

''Girls keep secrets, stupid.'' the blond guy scoffed.

''Even from their boyfriends?'' the one with the ego seemed offended.

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