Settling In

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When Sam and I got back to his house, he took off his shirt and dove into his closet. I sighed and laid on his sofa to wait for him. He would most likely want to talk to me about moving to Guardians Garden.

“So Al.” He started from his closet. “You like it there?”

“Nah.” I shot back at him. I had no interest in the place. It was too rich for me. Plus, that boy Talen was too much of a character.

“I think you should go, really.” He insisted. He came out of the closet, with a black tight shirt on.

“No Sam. I’m fine. Really. I like it here with you. I like it on the streets. I like your shop. I’m happy.” I admitted.

Sam took a long look at me before burying his head in his hands, “I’m moving Al.” He said quietly.

I felt part on my heart die silently.

I didn’t want to get mad. I really didn’t. Sam was my life. He was the one thing keeping me sane. He was the one person who would never give up on me. I still remember the first day we met. It was years ago. I was about to die, and he was going to turn me in. I told him my story, not everything, but most of it and he realized that turning me in would only lead to more trouble. He’s been with me since that day. He couldn’t just leave me.

“No Sam. Why?” I asked him, barely audible.

He looked up into my eyes. The same eyes that told me it would be okay. The same eyes that told me that he would never leave me. The same eyes that believed in me from the beginning.

“I’m sorry Al. You have to go to the orphanage.” He didn’t answer my question, but I knew it wasn’t important.

“No. I’ll die on the streets if I have to. Where I belong.” I argued.

“Al, you’re not thinking strait. You need to go there. You need to get an education. You need people around you.” He fought back.

I argued more with him, until I was unable to fight any longer.

“When are you leaving?” I asked, sucking in a gulp of air.

“Couple days. I want you to go now Al. Tomorrow, even. Make me proud kid.” He said, and then brought me into a hug. I didn’t want to let go. Sam was my everything.

Finally, he broke away from me and got up. “Where you sleeping tonight Al?” He asked.

“Same spot as last night. It’s pretty nice.” I said to him. That was another lie. It was gross. Three men came up to me last night asking if I was “bored.”

“Stay for the night.” He said immediately.

I was shocked. Sam had never asked me to stay the night. His girlfriend saw me hanging around his store and house a lot and got paranoid. Little did she know the huge age difference and amount of history between us. Still, Sam had never asked me to sleep over. I liked being able to supply by myself and he knew that.

I nodded my head, and pulled some pillows off of the couch and yanked a blanket out of the closet.

I set up my bed and cried myself to sleep. Tomorrow, my life would be completely different.

“Wake up Al.” Sam said, shaking me.

I looked up at him and didn’t smile. He was leaving me, probably for a better job. I wish I could get a job.

“No.” I mumbled, falling back into the pillow. It was good to sleep in a room for once. I couldn’t remember the last time I did that. Probably a couple years ago. I had gotten so used to the streets, I had forgotten how good carpeting was.

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