Ch. 51.Real Love starts after Nikah....!!!

Start from the beginning

It is rightly said, "Time & tide waits for no man." All these sweet moments passed by like a blur!
Especially good memories in life seem very short, it's like the landscape seen through the window of a passing train, the view is breathtaking yet it lasts just for a while and fades away as quickly as it had come...!!!
Again....that's what you call life!

This is how almost more than half the month had passed after their marriage!


It was a beautiful day in the elegant town of Sundarnagar and the daughters in law of the Shaykh family were busy with the kitchen errands.

"These gulab jamuns seem so yummy....&...delicious....&.......
tempting....&....sweet....", Zaara said admiringly as she lifted the huge bowl of gulab jamuns that she had just finished making.
She licked her lips on instinct and contemplated if she should just try two or three or may be four this very instant!

"You should stop staring at those sweets and concentrate on further tasks", Nawal said nonchalantly as she continued to chop the vegetables for lunch.

"But Nawal, atleast take a look and see how I made it....its so delicious..."Her friend replied grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"You haven't even tasted it Zaaroo."

"Yet still, it looks yummy and mouth watering."
Zaara spoke in genuine admiration, her eyes shining with happiness.

Nawal merely shook her head at her silly friend. Zaara frowned at her reaction and urged her to try one.

"MashaAllah it's good", Nawal finally approved and her friend smiled.

"That's what I had guessed, you know, nothing can compare to a gulab jamun, they are exceptionally sweet, unique and the best delicacy ever", Zaara declared proudly, "They are one of a kind!"

Like Afzal ! Just as he is....unique, one of a kind and an epitome of sweetness....!!

Wait.....did I just compare Afzal Shaykh to a gulab jamun??

My crazy heart seems to have crossed the limits of insanity!!

Zaara smiled like a fool while still staring at the gulab jamuns and thinking of her husband!!

"Earth to Zaara", Nawal waved a hand infront of her making her step out of fantasy land.

"Uh .....yes, so what was I saying? " Zaara asked embarrassed.

"You were praising your own cooking skills", Nawal said almost irritatedly.

Her friend kept the bowl in the fridge and took a seat infront of her.Nawal paused in her chopping task and looked up at her friend.

"What?"She asked confused.

Zaara contiued to stare at her face as if she could read it like a book,"Something is wrong Nawal."

Nawal placed the knife on the cutting board and sighed,"Nothing except my health . "

Ofcourse she wasn't well.It was her time of the month and she had been in much pain since morning although she didn't show it.Her snappy mood wasn't helping either.

"You think you are smart enough to hide things from your best friend? I can say without second thoughts something is wrong." Zaara sternly spoke as she contiued to scrutinise her friend's face.

Nawal sighed in defeat,"I had no intentions of hiding it from you, after all you are the only one I can open my heart to but I just wanted to wait till we finish preparing lunch & we get out of the kitchen."

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