Part one

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the first time dan saw phil, was blue.

his eyes were.

dan couldn't explain how blue they were and he felt that if he looked into a dictionary, there'd be no word to describe phils eyes.

they just were.

and he remembers seeing him, looking at the flowers displayed in his store, bending down to sniff at them everyone once in a while.

phil picked up a bouquet of carnations that matched his rosy cheeks that was due to the cold weather outside.

he watched him from behind the counter, smiling at the flowers, and he'd leave abruptly, and everything would go back as if nothing happened.

Which, nothing did happen actually, but dan just likes making things deep and meaningful.

but the thing dan most remembered of the man, was his eyes.

dan kept waiting and taking longer shifts at the flower shop just so he could get the chance to see the stranger again, perhaps even talk to him.

dan would jump every time the door opened and slouch back to his seat when he realized it wasn't him.

Then again, it never was.

he wish he would stop thinking about the him, since it started to negatively impact his life.

dan was daydreaming in class, thinking how his voice sounde, maybe rough like a rock--or soft like the petals in the shop.

he knew it was bad to be obsessing over some guy he hadn't even talked to-- for godsakes--so he decided to distract himself.

dan stopped taking the long shifts--after 3 months-- and started dedicating himself to school and his few friends. he just wasn't going to wait for Phil to show up.

he wasn't.

he didn't know anything else besides his name, and he only knew phils name because he saw his ID.

everything seemed to be going okay for a while, and when he was walking back home from the sixth form he attended, he swears he saw a glimpse of his black hair.

Until dan realized it was the schools football captain and dan kept walking.


The next time he saw him was red.

It was the color of his jumper that suited him well--dan has to admit.

It was the color of love and that was exactly what dan felt towards phil .


Then again, he wasn't sure.

And then again, he was Dan. Dan that couldn't even love himself.

He shouldn't spend so much time imagining scenarios with him. What if he was a dick? What if he doesn't like pineapple pizza? What then?

And that's why, dan didn't want to talk to him even after all those months of daydreaming.

He liked the mystery of phil .

(Not really, dan just doesn't want to come off as desperate. Which he was--by the way-- but that's not the point)

He wanted to keep thinking phil was the perfect guy with pineapple pizza and eyes as blue as that day.

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