☆4: The Unlucky Boy (1)☆

Start from the beginning

"What? How'd that happen?" Naomi got up to get a better view of the cast. She was a really caring person so seeing someone in pain really worries her. Zen seemed excited to be talking about it. He's the type of person who loves to be in the spotlight, especially around girls. Though he wasn't really a popular person, his name does sometimes go around in school. He'd brag about all the love letters he'd get, though I've never really seen one in real life. I realized he just wants to be liked by his peers so I sometimes give him his satisfaction. I didn't mind it, but it did seem to bother Miura at times especially when Zen takes it too far.

"I'm glad you asked pretty lady!" He tried to hug Naomi but she took a step back. She didn't really like to be touched, plus she knows how he can be. "I was playing catch with my little brother. He threw it so hard that it hit my arm. I had no choice but to let it go!" He reenacted the moment and hit his casted arm. It seemed to be harder than he anticipated because he started to tear up. "So.." He continued with a slight moan, "Th-that's how I dislocated my arm." He tried to smile but it was obvious he was in pain. Naomi though was trying to hold back her laughter. "What?" Zen noticed the smile escaping her mouth. He mistook it for something positive. "Very heroic huh!" He flexed with his free arm. Thats when Naomi couldn't hold it any longer and howled in laughter. Disappointment hit him when he realized she was laughing at him and not really with him. "How is that funny?" He heartbrokenly said.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She tried to stop laughing but it was no use. "It's just I expecting a more... I don't know?" Her laughter dies down and she wipes her tears away. "A more heroic story."

Zen grabbed at his heart dramatically. "That's low! I was playing with my brother!" He pretended to cry on Miura's shoulder, though Miura rolled his eyes. "Whatever you don't know my pain!" He pushed Miura away. Miura glared at Zen and proceeded to sit in his chair.

"I do! That's sad that you hurt yourself." I tried to sympathize with him. Though I felt pity for the guy, no one was giving him his moment. Zen looks at me with stars in his eyes. "I'm going to be a big sister soon so it must be hard being a big brother. It shows how caring you are towards your siblings!" He then looked at me with confusion and his cheeks became a bit pink. He was about to speak but then Ms. Fujimichi walked in.

"Ok class! We are about to begin! Please settle down!" She calls out while everyone took their seats. "First I need to explain a few things." She spoke up. "They are putting wires underground now. So there are a few power generators near by. One being at Penguin Park so please be careful when playing at the park. You can't get hurt by touching the power generators but you can get hurt if you dig at a wire. So please be careful when digging." That was the end of that announcement, "Now let's begin class."

I was daydreaming the whole day in school. Thoughts just kept coming at me randomly and they were hard to cast aside. Why was I picked as a cardcaptor? I stared out the window to look at the sky. There's nothing really special about me that would make me be a cardcaptor. I mean, my mother isn't so special. My father isn't really special at all either. Though he does like to collect weird things, other than that he works for a small local company. That's not really special either. Well, he can speak chinese. But there are lots of people who can speak more than one language so it really shouldn't affect me. So what actually makes me special? I got lost in my thoughts, though it didn't stop me from actually being able to interact with my surroundings. What are my benefits of being a cardcaptor? Powers, I guess is one. And it gives me an unordinary life. I wonder what happens if I don't catch them all. I thought as I was answering a question my teacher asked me. I heard Miura groan behind me. I look at him over my shoulder, his head was down but he glared at me through his bangs. I gave him a forced smile and looked forward. What's his problem?

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