A Heart's Longing

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I layed in bed, not wanting to get up at all. I felt weak and extremely tired. The past week was like a dream. It didn't seem real. Had ıt been a dream? I knew it wasn't. The scars that Jezebel and I shared were visible. This happened.

I had finally decided to get out of bed. Not because I wanted to, but because I needed to. I had my afternoon run to look forward to, and going a day without it was suicide. I'd have this feeling of guilt which would not go away unless I did at least 2 or more hours of exercise.

I ran up the hill as fast I could. Before it seemed so easy, but now I felt like a thirsty horse. I was exhausted. I needed to stop, but couldn't get myself to do so. It was innate. I never stopped running no matter how tired, weak or thirsty I felt.

I finally reached the top. At this point I was breathless. I gasped for breath like I was being stifled or something. I felt like a failure. I was a failure. I didnt believe I was in such a state, but I had to. All of it was real. 

'Come on Chelsey, dont disappoint yourself more than you already have.' I said this one sentence then started again. I ran and ran. Home time.

I went home and quickly went to my room to avoid my mother and her stupid boyfriend. I had a shower a few minutes after my run and went to bed. It was 12:00. The sun was shining brilliantly, but I needed to sleep.

9:00 pm. I woke up. Gosh, I slept for 9 hours! That's like a whole night! I didnt want to get out of bed, but I did. I went downstairs and found my mom and her boyfriend curled up on the couch. 'Yuck' I said, talking a bottle of water out of the fridge.

The next day at school, I didnt talk to anyone. There was no one to talk to. I had pushed away all my friends. Then came this boy; tall, slender, medium length thick hair, not to mention cute! He walked up to me and asked if he could sit. I nodded.

"Hi," he said, as he sat down on the bench which was painted brown and newly vanished.

"Hi," I replyed, my hair doing me a favor, blocking both sides of my face. I sat hunched back, my face straight down toward the ground.

"My name's Erick. Whats yours?" He tried getting a glimpse of my face, but I never raised my head one inch from where it was.

"Chelsey." I said.

"It's really nice to meet you Chelsey. Why are you hiding your face? I saw you looking at me. You look really cute."

"Thanks, but I dont like it when people lie to me."

"Who says I'm lying?"

I raised my head this time and looked him straight in the eye. They were dark brown, and really beautiful. I turned away from them. "I don't know." I said to him, slowly lowering my head back to how it was before I got lost in his eyes.

"Exactly. Why are you all alone anyway? Don't you have friends?"

I shook my head. "I had. I lost them all."

"What happened?"

"Something not worth discussion."

"Come on, you can tell me."

I wanted to tell him, but I don't feel comfortable spewing out my miserable life issues onto any stranger that walks up and tries to be my friend.

"It's nothing."

"Okay then. If you say so. Wanna come hang out with me and some friends tomorrow night?"

"I dont know. I'm kinda busy."

"Okay. Think about it. Here's my number. Call me if you change your mind. Oh and here's my address." He wrote it down on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "It was a pleasure speaking with you Chelsey. Please give me a call even though you're not coming okay?"

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