"Okay Here It Goes"

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Chapter 13? : Okay Here It Goes

-Alex's POV-

They knew I was hiding something.

They saw fear in my eyes every time someone moved.

I flinched everytime someone touched my arm.

They knew I haven't told them something. Everything.

Now I'm here in a police office. Silently praying the wont ask what happened.

I don't want to remember.

I don't want to relive that memory.

Please someone get me out of here.

I heard someone open the door behind me. I didn't look, I didn't care.

I just kept looking at that one spot on the wall.

I saw someone pass by. I heard the chair creek signaling someone sat down.

"Okay Alex I'm just here to help you so I'm going to ask you a few questions"

I sat silently. Not answering.

"Okay how are you today"

I'm horrible, I'm sad, I'm lonely, I'm traumatized, I'm just not okay.

"Alright" I said surprised on my own voice.

I feel a pair of eyes burning in the side of my head. I knew it wasn't the guy asking me questions. I knew it was behind that mirror. My head snapped at that direction I looked at myself I was a mess. But I knew I was staring at someone. I knew it.

"What did he do to you" he asked

A lot of things.

"Nothing" i kept looking at that mirror

"Did he do anything inappropriate to you"



"Okay that's all I need thank you"

Wait what if the don't arrest Logan.

What if the let him go.

I need to tell the truth


"Yes ma'am?"

I sighed

"Okay here it goes...the whole story.."

"What my experience there was....

-Zayn's POV-

I can't believe she told the story!

I can't believe MY Alex went through all that.

But it's like she knew I was behind that mirror. She was staring right at me. I stared right back. I use to be able to read her like a book. But now her face has gone blank. No emotion. No nothing.

I want my old Alex back.


Hey guys it's Val! Aka @niallers_princess17 I hope you liked that last chapter as much as I did and hope you like this one too! I know tiny cliffhanger on Alex's Povo not so big haha hope you like it read,vote, fan me ;) haha love you my little lovelies!

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