Hidden Kindom

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(Link's P.O.V)
I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had...who was that girl? What happened? I had to keep reminding myself it was a dream. Zelda called me to the Castle for some un known reason. She said it was something cool but last time she said that it was new dress she had. Girls.

I walked up to the gates as two guards let me though. The second I toke a step into the court yard I saw Zelda. She was at the stairs with a wide smile, waving. I waved back then walked up to her as she turned and smiled even more," Link your here! I have something for you to do if you aren't busy."
"I'm not busy at all. What is it?" I asked stopping at her side. She held up a old book with a smile. It was a dusty old book that looked very old and was falling apart. I read the cover," The Hidden Kingdom?"

"Yes. I wanted to see if you could ask some elders about it. I found this book and its very interesting," She looked at the cover, rubbing her hand over it, removing some dust.

"What's it about?" I asked.

"Its about this kingdom that just...diapered. No one knows so I wanted to see if maybe the elders know. It said's that one day it just disappeared for unknown reasons," Zelda frowned then looked away," I know, its stupid."

"Its not. It sounds...cool. What would you like me to ask them?" I asked. She smiled and handed me the book.

"Ask if they know anything about this place. I really want to know," Zelda gave me puppy dog eyes as I looked at the title and nodded.

"I'll do all that I can," I smiled. Zelda nodded happily and pushed me out to the town.
"Good, see you later Link," Then she was gone. I shook my head and looked at the book. Its a bit weird that a kingdom could dapperer. I'm not saying Zelda's imagining things or anything its just...crazy. That's like Hyrule just gone in mid air.

I made my way to the elders place. There was four elders who knew a lot about history and stuff like that. They have to know something if this place was real or not. I walked up to an old house and knocked on the door. A older man opened the door and smiled," Its Link everybody!"

"Hello Tom," I smiled. Tom grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. The others where sitting in the living room talking. They looked to me and smiled.

"Link, dear how have you been?" Ally asked rocking in her chair, a mug of hot chocolate in her hands.
"Fine, thanks," I smiled as I sat down, Tom sat next to me.

"What do you need, boy?" Mick asked taking a drink of his coffee. 

"Zelda sent me," I held up the book," she wanted me to ask you if you knew about the 'hidden kingdom'."

"The hidden kingdom...I remember a little bit," Rosy nodded, looking to the others," such a nice place wasn't it."

"Oh yes, the people there, as happy as could be," Tom agreed," I miss that place."

"As do I...the rulers were amazing..." Ally explained looking to me.

"Rulers?" I asked.

"It was a dream dear," Rosy corrected Ally.

"Yes but it seemed real, I swear I went there once..." Ally though for a moment and looked to me again," one day we all woke up and it seemed like an old dream. No one remembers it being anything other than a dream."

"Really? None of you?" I looked to each one of them as they all nodded.

"Its just a fantasy place boy," Mick raised his cup as if he was to hit it with someone else.

"Oh...just a fantasy place..."

"Yeah. Sorry if you though it was real," Tom put a hand on my shoulder. I opened the book and looked at the pictures," what do you remember from the dreams?"

"Only somethings. There was a two rulers," Rosy smiled.

"Yes, both were the last of there family. Poor things parents died when they were born," Ally closed her eyes,"They both had magical powers is what I remember."

"The last dream I had of it, the boy went crazy. The land was covered in darkness" Mick shook his head.

"Darkness?" I looked up with a small smile.

"Yes. The poor girl had to put up with him. Such a sweet thing. They wanted him dead but she won't let them, even if he was evil, " Rose shook her head," I don't remember much else."

"Oh...I should go...if you remember anything else, please tell me or Zelda," I stood up as they nodded.

"Good bye hero, have a good day," Ally dipped her head. I nodded and left. Their dreams seem real...so real. I walked down the street thinking about it for awhile. Then I began to think of my dream. The girl in my dream was only about my age. She looked like a princess or something too. Could see be the same girl? She did seem scared and there was a war going on. I bet its nothing though...

As I though, I ran into someone. I opened my eyes to see a hooded figure. Before I could do anything a lady yelled," THIEF! STOP HIM!"

I looked to the figure as they were already running. I jumped up and ran after them yelling 'stop'. But they didn't. I followed them out of town into to the forest. Man they were fast! They looked back at me and then in front of them. They turned and diapered. I stopped and looked around. Where are they? I stayed still and quite but I couldn't hear anything. They got away! I began to walk around. They have to be here. I'll look all day if I have to!

Though history (Link x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt