Chapter 2

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Picture of jackson to the right!   :]

Chapter 2

I couldn’t hear anything but the music that was beating through the house.I didn’t recognize the song but I did recognize it was about time I got out of here.The sight of my best friend grinding with Cole was enough for me to want to puke, not even including the churning that was going on in my stomach.

Giving Mel a small wave I turned around and headed toward the kitchen, hoping it would be less crowded in there.But of course the kitchen was just as full as the large living room, though instead of dancing these people were getting drinks and just joking around.There was a girl sitting on the counter with a guy between her legs, their lips locked together.

I averted my eyes from that and tried to find the door that would bring me outside.It may be literally freezing outside, but it was ten times better than being stuck in this overcrowded house.Finally I saw a large glass door that led outside on the other side of the kitchen.I quickened my pace towards the door, hoping no one would stop me on my way.

Of course, no one really knew me here anyways, so I easily got out the door.

As soon as the cold, bitter air hit my skin I had goose bumps, seeing as I was in a short dress with no sleeves, but it was well worth it if I got out of that house.

After I had stepped off the back porch and taken a few steps toward the woods behind Cole’s house, I stopped and closed my eyes.I started to shiver from the cold slightly but I enjoyed the feeling.The cold air in my lungs was refreshing and the quiet woods in front of me were oddly relaxing.

I don’t know how long I stood out there, but sometime after I felt something being draped over shoulders.

“You’re crazy, you know that?” a deep voice said from my right.

I recognized the voice and smiled.Without opening my eyes I asked, “How’d you find me?”

“I think I’ve known you long enough to know that at a party you’d much rather be outside than dancing inside,” Jackson said with humor in his voice.

I laughed, knowing he was right.Jackson was probably the one person in the world who could say they truly knew me.Yeah, Mel was my best friend but she wasn’t exactly the kind of friend you tell everything to.We were complete opposites in almost every way, and our friendship was based off of the fact that when together she could be herself and I could be… mostly myself.When it wasn’t just the two of us though, Mel had a way of changing her personality to match whoever she’s around.

But Jackson… well I never had to hide anything from him.We grew up on opposite sides of the street, which is hard to do since in this town everyone pretty much lived in the middle of the woods with no neighbors.He was a grade above me, but was never ashamed to hang out with me in public and if we had plans to hang out, he wouldn’t drop them for anything.

In fact, Jackson was the only person I’d ever told about my real birthday.My mom had told me years ago that I had actually been born exactly on midnight, so my real birthday was January 1st, not December 31st like my birth certificate.

A shiver ran through my body, making me realize I’d probably been out here too long.If I wasn’t careful I could probably get frostbite in this dress.But then again, when am I ever careful?

“I guess I should head back in now,” I said sadly.

“Yeah, you look frozen.”He wrapped an arm around and immediately I could feel his own warmth radiate towards me.“I think it’s almost time for the ball to drop,” he whispered in my ear.

Feeling his breath on my ear made another shiver run through me, though thankfully he would just think it was because of the cold.

I was about to respond but he’d just opened the door to the kitchen and the music surrounded us, making it impossible for me to speak without shouting.So instead I just smiled at him, knowing he would understand.

It was true; everyone was now surrounding the couch in the large living room, watching the big screen TV.I could see town square filled with people all looking towards the ball that would fall at midnight.

The living room was more crowded now than ever though, so I stayed to the back of the group and Jackson ended up having to stand behind me.

“You warmer now?” he asked.

I looked over my shoulder to reply but I hadn’t realized how close he was.When I turned my head, his own face was only centimeters from mine.I looked into his light hazel eyes, trying to remember to breathe.

He gave me a small smile.“You sure you’re okay?”

“Um… yeah… just a little queasy,” I managed to get out.

He raised one perfect eyebrow at me.“Have you been drinking?”

I just rolled my eyes at him, turning my head back to the TV so I could breathe again.We both knew I’d never drink at a party.

The countdown had just started and Jackson wrapped his arms around my waist, putting his head on my shoulder.Normally that would be able to distract me from almost anything, but as everyone started counting down, “Ten! Nine! Eight!” the sickening feeling in my stomach kept getting worse.

Finally, every yelled “One!” just as Jackson whispered in my ear, “Happy Birthday.”

It was also the same second that all hell broke loose on my body.

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