Chapter 4: Kaycee and Gabe aka Gabee

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Gabe held Kaycee at her hips and whispered, "When I'm with you, I feel like we're the only human beings in the world, And I always think that you are the most important thing in this world. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you."

Kaycee: Aw, babe, I love you too. There will be nothing that'll go between the two of us. You are mine and I am yours. And it'll be that way, until the end.

Disclaimer: Don't worry, Gabe and Bailey would come to the picture further into the story so be patient for KenCee.

Gabe: You're the sweetest fun-sized human ever ❤️ *laughs*

Kaycee: Oh shut-up.

They hugged each other, tightly. Until, Sean and all the other lilbeasts knocked on Kaycee's front door.

Gabe: Aw, these monsters ruined the moment!!!


Kaycee: Alright, calm down hot head.

Sean: We've been here for 10 minutes and you expect me to calm down????

Gabe: 10 minutes? Really?

Will: Yeah. It felt like 103829483918 years!

Kaycee: Well sorry, we were just settling down here and you guys disturbed us without even telling us you'd be here.

Lexee: We did text. Orrrrr maybe I forgot to text you guys. Whoops, my bad

They all laughed and settled down on the Living Room.

Gabe: Why are you guys here anyway?

Kaycee: yeah, why are you all here?

Ken: We got in trouble after the rehearsals. WilldaBeast got really mad at us. We were staying at the studio and we kinda ruined the vases and frames inside Will's private room.

Tati: We were just playing ball! Then, Sean decided to play dodgeball inside the private room.

Sean: It's not my fault! It's air-conditioned in there plus it's so HUGE! I'm telling you! You have to check it out.

Lexee: Why did you guys leave so early?

Kaycee: Well me and Gabe wanted to have some bonding time together.

Gabe: We are having our movie night, do you guys wanna join?

Ken&Tati: Yes! Of course!

They both looked awkwardly at each other and then laughed.

Sean: You guys really are meant to be!

Tati: Sean! Ken's meant to be with Bailey.

Ken: Where is Bailey?

Will: Looking for your girlfriend? Huh?

Ken: She's not my girlfriend!

Sean: Well, you act like she is.

Ken: Come on, she's my sister!

Will: Not genetically.

Ken: Doesn't matter.

Tati: Just admit it. You love her. And, you love her dancing.

Sean: Tati's right. You don't hide it very well...

Ken: I'm not hiding anything!

Will: You obviously are.

Gabe: Come on stop fighting. Let's make dinner.

Kaycee: Nah, the pizza just came. Let's have pizza for dinner!

Gabe: Wonderful idea!

Lexee: How about we play a little Truth or Dare? Let's have a little more action to this sleepover.

Ken: Ayt. I'm going to start. Tati, Truth or Dare?

Tati: Dare

Ken: I dare you to make out with the cutest guy in the room.

Tati: That's easy.

Tati walked over to Sean and made out with him for a very long time.
Once they were done, Ken looked disappointed but tried not to show it.

Tati: Okay, Sean, truth or dare?

Sean: Truth

Tati: Who's the prettiest girl in the room?

Sean: You and Lexee..

Tati: Aww thanks!

Lexee: Thanks!

Sean: Gabe, truth or dare?

Gabe: Dare *smirks*

Sean: I dare you to grab Kaycee's booty! *everyone laughs*

Gabe grabbed her booty and both of them laughed.

Ken grew very jealous but didn't show it to them because they were a perfect couple.


I am aiming for 600+ words per Chapter. Is it okay?

Btw, KenCee, SeanIa, Sexee, and Baiken will be coming further into the story because I'm trying to do the other ships first to make the story more longer, creative, and nice.


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