Chapter 11 - First Soul and.....First Kiss?! Part 2 (Edited chapter)

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Chapter 11 - First Soul...andFirst Kiss! Part 2

A/N : I just edited it a bit. Don't worry,nothing major.

True tothat, Lucinda had told her father, and now I was being called to the directoroffice. I walked in a leisure pace, feeling no need to rush. What if theybecame angrier than before?

Meh, like Icare.

I opened thedoor to the director's office , closed it and sat on the nearest chair whichwas a single sofa couch with Lucinda and her father on the longer sofa on myright and Will and the Director on the other long sofa on my left.

I beganinspecting their faces. The director and Will had an expressionless mask,Lucinda got the triumphant and smug expression with a smirk on her face, whileher father got this resigned and tired expression on his face. For a shortmoment, I felt pity for her father. Pity that he got an annoying spoiled bratfor a daughter.

At leastRowan is more tolerable than Lucinda. I mentallysaid.

I crossed myright leg over my left, put both of my hands folded on my laps and stared atthem for a few minutes.

"Isthere any reason I was called?" I asked feigning curiousity.

The Directorsighed, "Ah yes...I guess I'll be blunt. Ms.Wingstone, Lucinda hereclaimed that you mocked and degrade her family name. That, and you refused tohelp a fellow Reaper in need." I could see that he's restrained to rollhis eyes.

Lucindaleaned back in her seat and smirked while her father sighed and wiped his facewith his hand in exasperated manner. I just stared at her and raised my eyebrowand steeled my face in indifferent expression.

"Howexactly did I mocked her family name? Though, I did refuse her request." Ifolded my arms on my chest.

This timeMr.Wright took turn to talk, "My daughter implied that you made fun ofher, our family name, and blood. Is that true, Ms.Wingstone?" He asked,his tired eyes found mine.

I leand backin my sofa and sighed. "I'm afraid that she misinterpreted my reason in myrefusal of her request." Before I could continue, Lucinda stood up andpointed at me, "Misinterpreted?! You made fool of me and my blood when youspit on my face and said that me along with my blood were stupid!" Shepanted in the end of her rant.

I frowned,"That's not what I said, and I certainly did not spit on your face."

Mr.Wrightscowled and Lucinda started to sweat and her eyes not meeting mine.

The Directorsighed, "Can you give us your story Luna?"

I nodded andstarted to tell the story from my side. Every once and a while as I told themthe story, I glanced at Lucinda and her father's eyes. Of course, Lucindawouldn't meet my eyes and chose to glance around the room. Apparently,Mr.Wright also recognized the signs of feeling nervous and guilty in hisdaughter's eyes. Not long until he sighed tiredly, just as I finished my story,and held up his hand as Lucinda started to open her mouth to protest.

"EnoughLucinda Jillian Wright! You have to say no more. I understand now."Lucinda smirked smugly at me. Mr.Wright wasn't finished yet.

"I knowyou lied to me, to the Director. I know you lied and exaggerated the story tomake Ms.Wingstone expelled. I'll have you know that I don't like being lied toand I'm severely disappointed in you. I've expected you to do your best in theacademy. What I've found was so...embarrassing. I heard the rumor that youbullied some of you classmate and underclassmen. I didn't want to believe it,but how can I do so when you just cemented the rumours and the proof is righthere in front of me. We have good reputation between family friends andacquintances and allies and you've shamed that reputation."

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