Things better left forgotten and Rain it gets old fast

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Kikyo wandered the places that she and Inuyasha had visited only ten years ago. To her it felt like an eternity had passed her by. As she watched over Inuyasha from the shadows for the last five years. She brushed past a tree with a scar on it. A small smile played on her lips as she remember the day.

It was a foggy day and a yokai had come for the Shikon no Tama. The yokai slipped in and out of sight making it hard for her to hit it with a sacred arrow. That is when Inuyasha jumped in front of her blocking the yokai's attack. But injured him in the process. Blood dripped from a wound on his chest. She was stunned as she watched him use Blades of Blood to cut the demon to pieces. After the yokai fell she went to him, to tend to his wounds. But he grabbed her wrist and pulled her in to an embrace. Heat rose in to her face as she was held by him. In that moment she didn't care about the blood.

Then she came to another place that held a moment she rather not remember. It was where she spotted Inuyasha with the Shikon no Tama for the first time. He looked like a rabid dog than the sweet boy she knew. Later they became closer, she liked the way there was a spark when they touched. It was a wonderful time that was so full of hope. But as she looked back on it she had been foolish.

Passing by the cave where she tended to the burned man she shivered. Not once looking at the place that at one point was covered in his blood. Kikyo held her sleeve to her nose as she remember the smell of it. The sight that met her eyes, as a bunch of weak yokai bodies were scattered upon the floor. It was one image she wished to have never seen.

It was further than she intended to travel in the rain but she stood before a place that was different from others. It was the place where she helped a young female Daiyokai give birth. And where she made the biggest decision she ever could have made. It was a complicated birth that left the young girl weak. She was so tiny and frail looking, she remember the thought of her being swept away. By a simple light breeze that she would float off with the wind. After so many long hours she held a tiny little baby in her arms. Tears pricked at her eyes as she looked at the innocent little form in her arms. The baby held up a tiny hand that Kikyo caught with her index finger. 

"She is a beautiful baby girl." Kikyo stated with bitterness that mingled with longing and joy for the new mother. She handed the baby over to the silver haired girl.

She cooed to the tiny pink thing that was her baby daughter. "Thank you miko for saving my baby girl." the warmth in her voice caused Kikyo to weaken.

"Do you really want to still go on with this crazy plan?" She said hating herself for becoming so weak all of a sudden.

The girl smiled up at her; in the fire lit she seemed to glow as she spoke. "If I don't go through with it I will lose more than my life. I will lose the certainty of this pup growing up happy and healthy." Kikyo nodded with a small smile. "You look better when you smile miko." Was all she said before feeding her baby for the first and last time?

Kikyo had removed herself from the small abandon shelter. She gazed up at the stars and fell to her knees; her head was bent as tears slid down her face. She thought about the family she wanted and with whom she imagined it with.

Kikyo suddenly turned from this thought as another one enter her mind. Inuyasha it was only a flash of his hair and red robe but it was enough. To put to and to together as the warning bell rang loudly. A spark of anger ran through her as she rushed after him. She caught up to him in the forest that would later be named after him. He sat in a tree just looking at the tiny pink jewel that would be able to turn him into a full yokai. He had a crazed look on his face that scared her.

"Inuyasha give me back the Jewel." Kikyo said in a coxing manner. But he didn't even look at her after she spoke. It hurt her that he would act this way after all the time that spent together.

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