Chapter 3: Suprise After Suprise

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His dark voice was smooth like velvet and caused me to melt. I was hot all over.

Danielle: About what?

He chuckled again driving me crazy. It was the sexiest chuckle I heard in my life.

Tyler: About you and I. I really think you're pretty Danielle.

I looked away shyly. He reached out and touched my chin gently making me face him again. We locked eyes.

Tyler: Don't you like me, Danielle?

I subconsciously began nodding which brought a smile on his face. That smile didn't hit his eyes.

Tyler: Then let's be a thing.

He looked at my lips then back into my eyes while still gently holding onto my chin. I felt like this was a dream. This couldn't be a reality at all.

Danielle: (whispering) Okay.

With that said he brought our faces closer and my eyes shut on cue. Not even a second later I felt his lips on mine. I stopped breathing. My heart stopped beating. I felt as if I was on fire.

He pulled away and the sound of our kiss echoed in the room as I opened my eyes again. Suddenly his eyes got even darker than before and this evil smile appeared onto his face. He started laughing evilly. And just he started laughing he stopped and looked me in the soul.

Tyler: Go home, Danielle.

I was confused. But I didn't dare to protest. He began laughing again but louder and I practically ran out the house clutching onto my backpack. His front door slammed shut and I could still hear him laugh. I took off down his street and didn't stop or turn around until I made it home.

I flung my front door open and ran in. I shut the door behind me and locked it and ran up the steps into my room. I slammed my door shut and locked it. I went into my closet and shut the doors and sat in a fetus position trying to control my breaths, terrified.

Just like clockwork, I heard the front door open. It was way too early for it to be my mom. I covered my mouth hoping whoever it was didn't hear my unstable breathing. I could hear them walking up the stairs as my heart began beating loudly and hard against my chest.

Then they stop. My breathing subsided and I started to relax a bit. Then out of nowhere, banging was herd on my door. The doorknob rattled. I shut my eyes praying that whoever it was would go away. Then it stopped. I opened my eyes again and looked through the shutters on my closet doors. Nobody was there. There was a clicking sound then a boom. My door flew open.

I pushed myself closer to the back of the closet. Soon I saw a person walking through my room. They looked around and then stopped directly in front of my closet. I was gonna shit myself I swear. I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. The person opened my closet doors and a tear went down my face.

?: Danielle? What the fuck are you doing?

I opened my eyes to see no other than my dumbass brother.

Brandon: Why the fuck are you in your closet crying? You're fucking weird I swear.

He walked off and I felt dumb ass hell. All that for what? He could have said it was him before all of this.

I got up and followed him downstairs into the kitchen.

Danielle: What are you doing here?
Brandon: Why where you crying in your closet?
Danielle: I thought someone was going to kill me.

He started laughing hysterically while I rolled my eyes hard as fuck and slightly embarrassed.

Brandon: I wasn't going to kill you, Ellie. I came here to apologize to you and surprise mom when she gets home.
Danielle: Why?
Brandon: I was wrong for what I did for Raquel. She was a hoe. I just didn't want to believe it. The more I ignored it the more of a hoe she was. I'm sorry Ellie.

Yeah, this is a dream because my brother was in love with Raquel. This couldn't be real.

Brandon: You don't have to accept it. Can you just help me surprise mom?
Danielle: Sure.

Today has been a weird day. We started on a five-star dinner for our mom and making sure everything thing was clean. He even got her favorite flowers and numerous "I'm sorry" balloons like I was shocked.

I took a shower and put on my pajamas as he waited for our mom to come home. When it was nearing the time she comes home I joined him at the dinner table after he finished making her plate. Soon the front door opened and I watched as my brother sat there nervously.

Alice: Dani-

She entered the kitchen seeing my brother and I sitting at our usual seats. The balloons were everywhere. My brother stood up and gave her the flowers.

Brandon: Mom, I'm sorry. You were right.

My mom didn't say anything. She took the flowers and hugged my brother and cried. It was a cute little moment for our family. After their cute moment, Brandon leads her to her seat.

Brandon: Ellie helped me with this one.

He smiled at me and I smiled back. My mom still was crying happy tears.

Alice: I love you guys!

We told her we loved her back the dug into some food. I had homework but fuck that. It's been so long since we were like this. I wanted to enjoy every moment of it. But that beautiful moment soon came to an end.

?: POLICE! Open up!

We all looked at each other confused as hell. My mom took off to the door and answered it. I could hear her yelling and my brother and I ran into the living room. An officer stepped to my brother.

Officer: Brandon Robins?
Brandon: Yeah that's me. What's all this?
Officer: You're under arrest for the disappearance of Raquel Jones.

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