getting to know you

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[ Rain POV ]

"Alright find your partners." But I don't know anyone in here...The teacher sat at her desk doing paperwork while everyone else was giggling or talking to their friends. They already found their partners but I'm just here left alone. But there was one guy...who just didn't have a partner but it seemed like he would get along with everyone. "Be my partner pleassse!" He asked everyone and they all said no but I guess he didn't care. He acted like a little kid and kinda hyper. He had brown hair with a smile always on his face.

"Raiiiin please be my partner?" He looked at me and smiled. Wait what...why is he asking me? I have no idea what to do..."um okay sure." I smiled. "Yayy okay so help me, I don't know any of this stuff." Ehh...I'm guessing he doesn't pay much attention in class. But I'm not that sure what to do either, but I could figure it out. We put our desks together and tried to figure out what we were supposed to do. "Oh by the way my name is Ryuuji. Sorry I didn't tell you beforehand." "Its fine.." We worked on our assignment for a few hours until it was time to go. "Baii Rain!" He smiled and ran off. "Bye." I smiled alittle and started walking to my next class which is gym.

Once I got there I changed in my uniform and sat in my spot. "Um...hi." I felt a poke on my shoulder and turned around to see Haru. "Hi its nice we can have two classes together." I smiled and he started blushing. I could see his eyes alittle and they were a dark brown color. "Hehe.." "W...what's funny?" "I can see your eyes and how much your blushing." I giggled more when he hid his face.

He sat beside me and and flicked my forehead. "Owie...what was that for?" I smiled. "Because... You giggled so much." "Yeah because you looked...cute." I smiled and poked his cheek. His face was redder by then and he his it by covering up his face in his sleeves. "Your silly you know..." He looked up and smiled alittle. "Maybe so hehe."

[ Haru POV ]

Our gym teacher took us outside so we can run our mile. I hated this..but I guess rain didn't mind at all. "Hehe I bet I can run faster then you." She stuck her tongue out while smiling. Hmm...that must mean she wants to challenge me. "Alright....let's see then." Once she blew the whistle, rain and me started running. Damn...she is faster then me. I need to catch up. "Are you gonna give up now?" "Of course not we just started.." I smiled and ran past her.

"Aww hey that's no fair!" She started catching up to me. After we finally finished running we were both tired. I never had this much fun before "That was fun.." I smiled. It looked like her cheeks were turning red but she looked away so I couldn't see. "Yeah."

After I changed back into my school uniform I waited for her. I'm happy that I made friends with her...she's really fun to be around. "Hai!" She smiled and poked me. "Wanna walk home together?" She asked me. "Oh um...sure." I smiled and started walking home with her. I'm glad that she came here.

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