Maybe It Was An Accident

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I awoke the next morning to the usual loud blaring of the alarms. The voiceover came on and explained today's regulations.
"Good morning people of the dome, it is another modern day here in safety with us please get up and go to your workplace!" He said in a scratchy tone and the microphone was cut off.
I went into the bathroom I combed through my hair and brushed my teeth. I examined myself carefully. My blonde hair still had their normal split ends. My blue eyes shined back at me. My skinny form mocked me against the model look. My face looked dirty and unclean. I couldn't remember the last time I had taken a shower. Each corridor is provided with one shower a week. And today was that glorious day. I left my bathroom and went to my parents room. They had already left for work. I rarely see them much anyway. We were not very close. But to eachtoer they were. They had been high school sweethearts and he had moved into her same corridor and even had dropped his major in college for her. But then the mishap of having me was reality and they started to lose hope of a bright future. I had learned this years ago so I was used to it. Besides I am 15 so I'm able to handle myself right? I left our corridor. I consider corridors a stupid idea. Every family has their own corridor and that's a plus but it's barley enough space for one person. I stared down the outstretched hall containing 100+ of other corridors. People were out and leaving to go to work. Children were skipping along to school. I went along the east side of the dome wall. It was a short cut that I used everyday. Being a "normal," and all I wasn't aloud this way but there were never any guards there watching out for me so I did anyway. My footsteps echoed on the floor. I ran my fingers along the dome edge and stared out. Whenever I looked out I saw the color green. We had learned about it at school. It is a dark bad color that's means no life. If we have our own lives shouldn't we live our own way? I mean if it was up to me I would leave the dome so I could feel free. Being here is like being under constant watch. Rules rules rules. I guess I was too deep into my thoughts when something hit me from behind. I fell forward screaming and kicking. The cold hard ground punched me. A young pacify officer pulled me to a sit and pinned me against the wall. My lip quivered. He had on the black armor that all officers wear and a gun pointed at me. His uniform said number 2. He had brown hair and looked about my age. I wasn't able to see his full face but I could see through his tented helmet.
"What are you doing back here?" He questioned tightening his grip on me. I squirmed and pushed him away. I started crawling to my feet when I was kicked from behind on my lower back.
"Ah." I whimpered and slammed into the floor. Unable to get up I stayed there. The officer leaned over me,
"I asked you a question." He smirked.
I began to speak,
"I'm lo- lost." I forced out of my crushes lungs. My head was burning in pain and my arms tired. I tried to push my self up but I collapsed back down to the ground. I heard a sound come from a weapon he had so I turned around backing away on my elbows preparing for a shot to the heart. He had put his gun away. He looked down at me and shook his head.
"Here," he said and reached out a hand. I slowly took his gloved hand and he hoisted me up. I caught my balance and acted as though I felt fine.
"I'm sorry I thought you were-" He trailed off. I started to walk off as fast as my body could carry me. But he wouldn't let go of my hand.
"Please let me go I won't come back here- I mean lose my way again?" I cried pulling away.
"Going that way is just gonna get you caught again," He assured me, "go this way." He summoned me to follow him and I did. My hand now hung limp at my side. We walked a few feet and he pointed me to a stair case leading down to the working quarters.
"There sorry for the confusion have a good day." He said. And I saw him smile. Dang he has some roller coaster mood changes, I thought and walked away without a word. When I was about to turn the corner I looked back at him, but he was gone.

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