The Rules

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My damp hair hung to my shoulders. White nails flipped through pages of one hundred words and more trying to find the material. Yellow buttoned up shirt my size sat loosely on my small frail body. It was rather cold in our corridor today but I didn't complain.  A little cold never killed anyone right? My soft bed covers touched my tan skin in warmth. And the soft hum of cameras sounded in my room. It was 9:01. Past curfew. I tossed my book over the side of the bed and layed my head down on my pillow. Pulling up the covers I turned off the lamp light next to my bed. I stared at the same old sealing. Black walls. I relaxed my body and I started Restating the rules of our dome. The test was tomorrow at school so what better way then to study at the last minute.
1) The dome saved us.
2)There is nothing but terror beyond the dome.
3)There is a curfew of 9 o'clock every day. If you do not follow this guideline you will be thrown in the pit.
4)Each alarm signals the next part of the day. And each member in the dome must follow them accordingly. There are 4 parts; wake up, work, free time, sleep. If you do not follow this guideline you will be thrown into the pit.
5) Max of 1 child is aloud per 2 parents.
If you do not follow this guideline you along with your child, will be thrown into the pit.
6) No looking through the dome to the outside. If you do not follow this guideline you will be thrown into the pit.
7) No touching the edge of the dome. If you do not follow this guideline you will be thrown into the pit.
And the. Last rule, I thought:
8)Never leave the dome.
I closed my eyes and by the time I counted to sheep 3, I was already sound asleep.

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