Chapter 1 ~ Humble Beginnings

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So I've decided to start by telling you about my life before being a Soul Thief. It was pretty good, overall. I had a wife and two kids. Zachary and Felicia. Notice I said had. Well, Marisa, my wife, left me and took the kids with her after she found out my dirty secret. I don't blame her. But, I miss them, y'know? They were good kids. One day, when Zack was just a baby, Lissy was eight at the time. She messed up the big game I was working on when I let her use my computer for a school assignment. She didn't mean to. I was so mad. I grounded her for two months. But in my usual manner, the next day I took her and bought her a new toy. I don't know why I'm telling you all of this, maybe to prove to you that I still have some scrap of humanity in me? Maybe to prove that to myself. I dunno. I was a video game designer. It was a good job, but the pay wasn't anything special. So anyway, when I was younger, I spent my soul. You see, I've always loved video games. So when I was sixteen, I bought an arcade cabinet with all the old classics on it. They weren't classics at the time, of course. Then they were just games. After I had bought the thing, my parents didn't want it on my house, so I used the money from my job to rent a storage locker to keep it in. I went down there and played that thing everyday right after school. Man. Those were the days, it was the eighties, I was a teenager. I had still had time to fill that void up. So I made sure to find a girl I really loved (Marisa) find a job I was passionate about (video games) and I lived my life. I was married in 1993, Felicia was born in '95 and Zachary in '99. Lissy just graduated college. I wasn't allowed to even attend her ceremony. Trying to fill the last of the void opened up an entirely new one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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