Chapter 4

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It's been a few hours since Petra left our so-called '' enhancement training.'' I glance over at the clock. '' 10:00 P.M...'' Sighing, l stood up and walked up to my bedroom quietly with my hands in pockets. I yawn quietly and slump over the bed in the dark bedroom. Quietly, l close my eyes and fall asleep slowly. 

Morning rises without my consent and l groan as the light shimmers in my eyes. " Go the fuck away..." I sit up on the bed and rub my eyes with the palm of my hands. "Bzzzz." My phone vibrated. I glanced over at the bright screen and quickly read the text. It's from the four-eyes dumbass. " Go to the cafe for a meeting..." She always does this type of shit at the last minute. I just wanted to relax today at least damn it. As my usual routine, l take a steaming shower, change into my long clothes, take my wallet and glasses, then head out in my car. 

Driving down the street, l look at the signs on top of each cafe, seeing if it was the one Hanji said the meeting would be held at. " WOW Cafe wasn't it.... Here it is." Swooping in, l take the last parking spot available. I put on my glasses, exit my Honda accord, and walk into the crowded cafe. Before even stepping in the damn cafe, l heard squealing behind me. Dear god no... " It's Levi!! I saw him on the news last night! Can l have your autograph! Please?!" I look back at them. " You want an autograph from a pornstar? Really?" " But you're a billion- dollar pornstar!" " Still, just an ordinary pornstar. Go back to making a future." I wave them off and walk in finally. Walking past the crowd, more people recognized me and l groan slightly. " I should've worn a disguise at least..." I mutter to myself under my breathe.

" Levi!!" I'd recognize that loud ass voice anywhere... As l snap my head towards her way, there she was. Smiling her dumbass grin as big as she could as if she just saw something magical just happen. I walked over and sat down next to her. Crossing my legs and arms, l glance over at her. " What the hell do you want four-eyes. I just wanted to relax today." " Well~ Do you remember that girl from yesterday that you refused to do a video with? She called me late last night that she's no longer a virgin! Quick huh?~" I widen my eyes then pinch the bridge of my nose tightly. " What the hell... She shouldn't lose her virginity that fast just do a damn video..." " It seems that she has taken a liking to you huh?~" " Now you're just talking nonsense. Me? Tch, like hell anyone would want to take a liking to me."

Author's Note: I'm back!~ ^w^/~ I've been reallly busy. =3= But I'll update when l can Kouhai's~ ^W^ See you all later!~ #^w^#

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