Day 26

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Today i woke up missing you so i decided to read Shakespeare. Do not ask me why because I would not know how to answer your question. I just felt like it.

But it didn't last ten minutes. I got fed up with the "thous" and whatnot. How could you like that? It's so boring. Each insomniac person should have a copy, they would fall asleep in less than 10 minutes.

Since reading Shakespeare was a fiasco, I decided to go for a walk. As soon as I opened the door I was face to face with no other than Ryan. Fucking man whore. Okaay, I might had been still mad at him for yesterday (maybe more hurt than mad) but it didn't matter.

We need to talk. Were the first words out of his mouth.

So talk. I replied. I had kept my cool and all that jazz. Yay me.

Hum, listen. He actually seemed nervous. About yesterday, I am sorry. Nothing is going on between Julie (the slut -> my saying) and I.

Ryan, I really do not care. I just wanted to apologize for ignoring you. Now please let me be. I tried really hard to make it plausible that I meant every word I said. But by the look on his face I can tell he didn't believe me one single bit.

Is that jealousy I sense in your tone, babe? He said.

I then told him not to "babe" me and that I wouldn't be jealous even if he were to be the last guy on Earth.

After a lot of bickering, both of us realized that the discussion wasn't going anywhere so we (and when I say we, I really do mean he) decided to go get ice cream.

I finally told him I needed to go home, seeing as it is Christmas Eve today. And then we parted ways.

I hate to admit it, but a small part of me did feel better after spending time with him.

When I got home, your family was already there. After gretting your parents (they are doing well) I went to talk to your sister.

She asked me why I was late. I told her all about Ryan, ever since the beginning. I thought she was going to judge me or say something horrible, but instead she had a small smile when I was done. And then she said, maybe you guys should date. Move on. I was in shock from hearing that.

It has been less than a month! But then again, time really is useless. But still... I don't know.

I guess she realized how that subject bothered me, and decided to change it. But you know how your sister is. She is crap at changing subjects. Because she then asked about the box she gave me.

I told her I hadn't opened it yet, which isn't a lie. But I told her I would tomorrow. The last part I wasn't so sure about.

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