6 Trapped

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Both Civly and Loah laid down on the floor. But Civly seemed to be all knowing about what she was doing, whilst Loah was shaking. A lot. They heard more bodies falling down. It sounded distinct and clumsy. Loah couldn't help but laugh. These people, or whatever they were, we're not that fit and the weird thing was that all of them seemed to be connected to each other on some very strange way.

After laying on the floor, in what felt like ages, she saw green stripes on the floor which all led to a sign. It remembered her incredibly much about how it looked in her school at home, but there they never used it. The other bodies started to raise and follow the stripes, so Loah hurried up and listened very careful after where Civly had gone. A chatter had started and it was hard to hear everything correctly.
"Is this just a practice?" A voice close to her asked.
"No, then they would have said it." Another one answered. Loah felt so tiny and scared, too. She didn't know what to do. It wasn't such a long way to the sign and when she arrived, there was an open door and inside the other room made an entree. Inside, it was still pretty dark and all that were seen were silhouettes of bodies that stood in lines.
"One! Clime, Stoover and Herpy?" A strict voice screamed.
"Correct sir!" Some others screamed as an answer. Loah guesses they were Clime, Stoover and Herpy. Funny names.
"Two! Civly, Timger and Folly?" The same voice screamed. Loah reacted at Civly and jogged down to the line. There were so many so it was hard to find, but finally she saw Civly and hugged her. Civly stepped back.
"I wondered where you had gone." She said.

It took a while for all the lines to be, maybe because so many were missing.
"Last line! Everyone is here." The voice that had been active the whole time finally stopped and everyone started chatting with each other. The lines got messy in a second. Civly grabbed Loah under her shoulders and lifted her up in the air. Loah clung stuck at Civly.
"It starts getting late, time for you to get to bed." Civly said whilst she looked for somewhere to go.
"People, please stay calm. This is not a practice. We are sorry but we are nearing a black hole and need to do as we've done so many times before." The annoying voice started again and everybody got upset. Very upset. A panicked people ran from corner to corner and from person to person and crashed into each other and raised quickly and continued to run in random directions. But Civly stayed calm, she needed to do that for Loah's sake. She walked slowly to a machine that looked like a rocket with green windows and like it was taken from Star Wars. A wall opened and Loah stared at what was shown on the other side. There were tons of rockets looking just like that one they supposed to go with. A new line had been built up to every entry. The rockets filled very fast and after just a second the first was ready to lift. Loah was confused while her head went from corner to corner. The creatures were everywhere but they behaved like humans. They only saw her as a sweet kid from someone else's family. She didn't like that. At all.

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