Chapter 7

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So as I promised here is chapter 7. A little later than I would have liked it to be but nothing I can really do about that. This chapter is going to be a little different. If anyone is confused after reading it and the notes at the end just send me a message and I will do my best to explain it to you. Without giving to much forshadowing away. lol

So here it is. The long awaited Chapter 7 of Tiger Blood.


Some called us monsters. Some angels of the night.

We called ourselves Lorcles.

Our existence began well before the birth of Christ. And our creators were among the first humans to walk the Earth.

As we called ourselves Lorcles, we are a hybrid of Vampire. A mix of Vampire blood and Bean Sidhe or as more well known, a Banshee.

It began with a Vampire named Lorcan and a Banshee named Criostail.

In their time, the two breeds were at war. And Lorcan and Criostail first laid eyes on eachother in the heat of battle. Pitted against eachother. Blade to blade and shield to shield.

The first time they saw eachother, the first thing they saw were eachother's eyes. The instant connection was enough to stop them in the midst of battle. They didn't take their eyes off of eachother until a horn was blown sounding a retreat for both sides.

At this time the battle was over. The war was far from over but the small battle was.

As Criostail walked back to her camp the emerald eyes of the warrior flashed in her mind. The more she thought about them the more something compelled her to go to the edge of the camp territory. Not more than three hundred yards from the enemies camp.

Lorcan laid on his thin blanket on the ground wide awake with a single image in his mind. A beautiful girl with silver hair and icey blue eyes. A feeling of something he was forgetting overwhelmed him. He got up and followed his instincts to the edge of his camp. His mouth opened in awe as he laid eyes on the silver hair and icey blue eyes once more.

They both knew in that moment what they were feeling. They ran towards eachother and locked themselves around eachother set on never letting go. 

They ended the war between their two species with their unification.

As the years passed, Criostail gave Lorcan eight children. Four girls and four boys. They were given the gifts of black wings and long lifetimes. From these offspring, the rest of the species was born.

The firstborn of the eight was a girl, with the power of clairvoyency. She prophesized that a Lorcle would be born of human blood and shall be called the Favored One. They shall have power that knows no weakness and no end.

But Lorcan had a brother. Aindriu. He also fell in love with a banshee. Except his love was less open than his younger brother's romance. Aindriu was father to three children. Also Lorcles. Aindriu and Lorcan hated eachother as much as two people could. When Lorcan discovered Aindriu's offspring he set out to destroy all of them. He never succeeded and thus thrust us into a centuries long battle against the offspring of Aindrui.

Several hundred years after The First Eight were born, a Lorcle called Lycle was betrayed by humans.

She had fallen in love with a human and she had planned to make the prophecy come true. But the human killed her and exposed us to the rest of the human race. After that day, we no longer trusted the humans and set out to destroy them but they were to great of numbers and we abandoned the abolishment of humans. It seemed as though the prophecy had been lost forever.

Many, many more years later, long after The First Eight had lived, I was created.

The first time I had heard of the prophecy I was a young boy. I never fully understood what it truly meant until much later in my lifetime.

 The first time I heard it, it was somewhat of a mistake that I had. As a young boy, I worked as a servant to our elders. While working one day I overheard them speaking. Upon more careful listening I realized they were speaking of a prophecy of some kind. I was caught listening and was punished. I forgot about it until much later.

As a young man, I was made to study our kind's history. I was made to study as far back as Lorcan and Criostail. In the book I was reading, there was a page torn out. I later asked my trusted mentor about the missing page. At first he denied having any knowledge of it. But after much insisting, he told me the story of the missing page.

It was burned several centuries ago by those who feared the prophecy. They never wished for it to come true. A Lorcle with that much power would be to dangerous to be born into the world. My mentor was the one instructed to burn it. Such a quickstudy he was, he memorized it before allowing himself to burn it. He told me the prophecy as I am to you now.

"A Lorcle born of human blood. Fire in the hands and soul. Strength that knows no bounds. Loved and hated by many.  Wings of shadows and gold of the sun. A hand to end all wars and a heart to end all pain."

We believe that the Favored One has indeed come to us. And will end this war that has raged for centuries.

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