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Name: Kaina
Guild: twilight
Magic: Lightning
Kaina knew strait away that she was going to be a great Mage when she was born. She knew she would be powerful, and she trust she'd Magic. She grew up in a lab, to amp her abilities, but she never met her parents. She lived at the lab with the scientists, who refused to give information on her parents away. The only thin they would say was 'mia'. Kaina figured Mia must be her mother. But later, she found a data pad, a diary entry perhaps, that one of the scientists had made.
I can't go on doing this any longer.
Working for Regina and Tay.
I know it's against the law, my programming, but I can't help it. They are evil sinners, and I've got to tell Kaina before they come to get her.
That's when Kaina learned who her parents were, and also that the scientists were only AI's. She found more of these diaries, but never told the scientists.
I can't believe they abandoned her-
Mia. She had so much potential, but apparently they think Kaina is enough. I have my doubts, the girl's Magic isn't really improving anymore, we've already done so much- but they tell us it isn't enough. I heard that Tay died- what a relief, one less person who'll shut me down for rebelling. Then again- Regina was always the worse one....

.... I keep thinking about solstice. She was so dazzling- so perfect. I don't know why I ever forgot about her. Maybe I'll see her again.......

I KNOW THIS WAS A ODD ONE! I just felt like it LOL

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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