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Name: Faita
Magic: summoner
Guild: libra
Faita was born a summoner, it ran in her family. Her mother and father both processed the rare power, as well as her brother Ruan. Faita was a family child, and spent most of her young years happily living and training with her family, it was a tradition. But her village was frozen solid, by a wizard from the Mage guild: libra. The ice Mage of libra, Julia. She was the one to freeze faita's village. It wasn't intentional, it was an accident, she was on a job to steal a book from a rich man living in the village, and somehow resulted in freezing the entire village. Faita, being the youngest in her family wasn't very advanced in summoning at the time being. That being said her family protected her, by summoning a familiar to protect her from the ice. They however were frozen into the ice, due to no protections against it. When Faita realized what happened, she died desperately to thaw he family out- but the ice wouldn't chip, or even burn. From that day forward she cursed libra and Julia. She knew there was no way to unfreeze her family, it was part of Julia's curse; but she knew she could get revenge. It's not that Faita was evil at heart, but when her loved ones got hurt, she vowed she would find a way to get revenge. So she joined Lobra, wanting to attack from the inside; a kind of surprise attack. But soon she became attached to the guild, and became used to everyone there, smiling with them, and chatting with them. So Faita yet again vowed she no longer would blame libra for Julia's mistake, and is still plotting. Her revenge....

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