☆3: The Very Cloudy Day☆

Start from the beginning

"Good morning Mother." I greeted her in a not so sleepy voice.

   "Good morning Sora." My mother smiled as she walked in. Her stomach was three times bigger than it was a few months back. I was starting to worry that my baby brother would grow in her stomach for the rest of her life. The thought made me tear up a bit. My mother became worried and came up to me. "What's wrong?" My mom was finally at the edge of my bed. Her hand was on my forehead. "No fever... Hmm was it something you ate?" I shook my head to dismiss her worry.

"I'm fine, it must be from all the excitement from yesterday." I tried to lie. She didn't look convinced but she didn't push it. "I do need to get ready to do chores." My mother got up from my bed. She nodded and walked out, her hand on her stomach. Kero unfroze when the door shut. He gave out a huge sigh. "Kero, how long is it going to take for me to finish being a cardcaptor?"

"Until you capture all fifty two cards." Kero crossed him arms like he did when lost in thought. "You already have one." The book glowed and opened on its own, I'm guessing it was his magic that made it happen. The card illuminated then floated into my hand. "I'm surprised you had her though. It's like deja vu for me! Then again, she is a very gentle spirit. She's not one to go out and do much unless told so." He laughs as if I were suppose to understand the joke. I didn't take the cue, but I did give him a polite smile. A thought occurred from yesterday. I haven't given my mother the letter! I reach into my school uniform and took out the letter Naomi gave to me.

"Mother!" I called out. I got up to get dressed quickly. Kero sat down on my night stand awkwardly. He sighed. He figured that our conversation was done. Which meant he could now do what he wanted which wasn't much anyways. What was there for him to do? I combed my hair quickly, thankfully it was short. Perks to having short hair! I ran out my room to find my mother. She was downstairs in the kitchen, man did she walk fast or was I that slow? "Mother! I have a letter for you!" I walked over to her with the letter in my hand.

"From who?" Her eyes were focused on the pot that was cooking. She was getting ready to make breakfast for her and I.

"Naomi's aunt." I handed her the letter, which she grabbed. "She said it was confidential." I gave her a playful wink. She laughed instantly.

"Thank you." She read the letter and gave a soft smile. It was a gentle yet sad smile, as if she was longing for something. "You don't need to do chores." She spoke up once she put the letter down. I was half way putting on my apron when I stopped.

"Huh? Why?" I looked up at her in complete confusion. My mother gave me the same smile she did for the letter.

"Aren't you meeting up with Naomi?" She asked and I nodded. "Then go. I'll be able to do the chores on my own. It's not that much to clean anyways." She looked around with a soft grin. She was examining the area for possible cleaning spots. I gave her an 'are you sure' type of look. "Yes yes. I'm sure. Your dad will be home soon so he will help me out. It's been a while since we had alone time." My mother giggles and blushes at her own thoughts. That was definitely my cue to leave. I ran up to my room happily.

"Kero are you going to want to come with me?" I asked him as I got ready to go to the park. He gave it a little thought. Once he had a good stretch he gave me a smile.

"Sure. It's been a while since I've gone out." He got into my small shoulder bag that was hanging on a chair. I chuckled a bit from excitement. Normally mother wouldn't let me leave early. I wonder why today is an exception.

》Penguin Park《

I looked around for Naomi, though I was very early. So I was surprised that she was even here. I waved at her and she waved back. I walked over to where she was sitting. A huge Penguin was stationed in the middle of the park with small penguins surrounding it. The huge Penguin was nicknamed the King Penguin by a few friends and I. Then again it did have a crown on its head so it was the only nickname it had. The trees near by danced with the wind. It was a great day to go out. The sun was out too. A great day for a picnic too. I should have brought food just in case. When I approached her she held something in one of her hands. I walked up to her to see what it was. She raised it up so I can get a better look.

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