Interview with Spy

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Mr. Deep: As a master of espionage and stealth, you seem like the kind of guy who would pride himself on knowing how people function and how to predict their movements.
Spy: Naturally.
Mr. Deep: So what is your analysis on Pyro?
Spy: Pyro interesting individual. His actions are ever quite consistent to what personality can be inferred from him. He likely suffers from some form of chronic distress or pain.
Mr. Deep: A psychological issue?
Spy: His actions are likely derived from a combination of pyromania and schizophrenia. The result is a mind of cruelty and inhuman thoughts.
Mr. Deep: That could definitely explain a lot of things. What are you actions toward him when in battle?
Spy: As a Spy, I try to avoid conspicuous situations. So I avoid most of my allies in order to fool my other "allies". Pyro's fire also does not connect well with my cloaks and disguises.
Mr. Deep: Seems reasonable.
Spy: Now if you don't mind, I have the go hide a dead body, and I don't feel like killing you right now.
Mr. Deep: O...k... I'll be going now.

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