Interview with Medic

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Mr. Deep: Medic, you are in charge of keeping your allies in one piece and healing their wounds at the speed of sound. Do you have any insight on Pyro's identity?
Medic: Ah... Ze Pyro. One of my most interesting patients. Oh how vould I love rip off his mask and see vat secrets he holds onto...
Mr. Deep: Ok...then.
Medic: But alas, I don't see Pyro mien office zat often. And even zen, the only time ever came close to uncovering him, it vas during his Über-transplant.
Mr. Deep: Heavy told me about the process; he said that it involves you opening up the patient's chest and placing a metal pace maker on top of their heart.
Medic: Zat is correct. Ven I was operating on Pyro, I had to open up his chest. Vat I saw truly...interesting. His lungs vere encased in a schwärze covering. It looked like ashes and cinders all melted into a lung shape.
Mr. Deep: Were you able to see his face?
Medic: Nein. He vas awake during the procedure. I never sedate my patients.
Mr. Deep: ... Anyhow, have you ever partnered with Pyro in a battle?
Medic: Ja. During one of our 2fort raids, Heavy was busy defending our paperz, so I vas following Pyro into the bauch der bestie. We came across a sentry near ze Intelligence Room. I vas about to activate my Charge, ven Pyro turned and vent down another corridor. I followed him and zat hallway led us right behind ze sentry, vere ve destroyed it with ease.
Mr. Deep: So Pyro is not just a reckless berserker; he actually knows strategy and planning.
Medic: It vould appear so.

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