Part 12~Stupid Doritos

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A.N: This chapter is a bit all over the place. Sorry. I'd write a bigger fight scene but I suck at those.

"You back away from them you bastard." Dean said as he glared at the demon version of himself.

Demon Dean chuckled and flashed his eyes back to normal. "Really? You do realize that you just insulted yourself, right?"

"I said, back away." Dean muttered through gritted teeth.

"What do you care Dean? So the twerps get hurt, big whoop. You didn't even want to look after them." Soulless Sam rolled his eyes.

"That was before HE-" Dean gestured angrily at Bill "-showed up. And you know why I didn't want to babysit? Because people around me get hurt. And I can't stand the thought of it. Of those two.." his voice trailed off.

"Baby gonna cry?" Soulless Sam mocked.

"HEY!" Everyone turned to look at Dipper. "You two leave him alone."

Demon Dean laughed. "Kid, you don't know him like you think you do. The things we've done. And Sam, well. Not like he's a saint."

Bill laughed. "Aw, well this is touching. Now if you don't mind, I'll just choose a body and dispose of the rest. See ya!" He paused."What's going on? Why am I not-"

"That would be me." Bill turned to find Castiel behind him. "I can hold him off for a bit, you may have to take care of those two though." Cas told the group before he and Bill disappeared.

"Dean? Can I show you my...GRAPPLING HOOK!?" Mabel yelled. She pulled the handle out of nowhere, aimed it as Demon Dean and opened fire. The hook flew out, hitting him square in the face and propelling him towards a wall. He slumped down, motionless.

"Mabel? How did you-" Sam asked

"It's a dream, dummy! You can do whatever you want!" Mabel smiled as she started to throw kittens at soulless Sam.

Demon Dean stirred but Dipper approached him. Dipper placed a radio next to the demon and pressed play.

"Disco girl, coming through! That girl is you! Ooh ohh..."

Demon Dean clutched his ears. "Can't-stand-BABA...need-classic-rock..." His form turned to static and he dissapeared.

Soulless Sam fell over, covered in kittens. He too, turned to static and disappeared.

The hospital room shuddered. They were now surrounded by white. Nothing but white. Cas knelt down, covered in bruises, his nose bleeding.

"So glad you could join us! Where'd your friends go?" Bill asked. His voice shook. He looked as if he'd been electrocuted, run over, beaten up and run over again. He'd taken a lot more damadge than Cas.

Dean ran over to Castiel. "Cas? You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine Dean. Just a bit shaken up. I've weakened the demon enough for us to escape." The angel told Dean.

"Then let's go." Sam said, grabbing the twins' shoulders.

"This isn't over!" The evil floating triangle shouted. "Don't think you've seen the last of me Pines! Your bodyguards won't be around to protect you then!"

"Shove it up your-" Dean spat before the world went dark.

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