Part 11~Looking in a Fun House Mirror

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A.N: Hey baby, are you Lucifer? Cuz I can't get you out of my mind!

Everyone headed to the staff room where Sam still slept.

"Alright, the twins are good now let's go get Sam." Dean smiled. "Look, we've got about 20 minutes. Easy."

"Ten minutes." Dipper spoke up.

"I'm sorry?" Dean asked.

"Bill threw a hissy-fit and shortened it to ten minutes. about 8 minutes now." Dipper replied.

"Let's hurry then. Cas buddy, you okay?"

Cas was leaning against the wall, his face pale and covered in sweat. "I'm fine."

"No you're not. Are you sure you can do this? We can find another spell and I'll go-" Dean suggested.

"No. We can't just pile up spells. You might get stuck again." Cas told him.

"I'm not leaving my brother to get possessed by an angry nacho!" Dean yelled.

"We could go." Mabel suggested.

"NO! I promised your great uncle that I'd keep you safe." Dean told the twins.

"When was this?" Dipper asked.

"Well it was implied when I finally agreed."

"You didn't agree. So you're not in charge of us, or Cas. Sam is." Mabel crossed her arms over her chest

Cas interrupted them. "None of you will go. I'll recharge and hopefully make it in time. Sam may be able to figure it out himself but I can't be sure. Dean, I'm going to have to touch your soul."

Mabel whispered something to him.

"Remove your shirt and lay down Dean."

Dean sighed and removed his shirt. He got onto his sleeping bag and Cas knelt over him.

"Bite this. It will be extremely painful." Castiel handed Dean his belt and turned to face the twins. "You may want to leave the room and watch Ducktective on full volume."

The twins left and Cas began. He placed his hand on Dean's chest. A blinding light emanated from his hand. Dean suppressed his screams as much as possible but some muffled comments escaped his mouth.

"There's been a murder!"

"Agh, God!"

"Found here this morning."

"Son of a-"

"Quack quack quack!"

The screams faded. Dean walked in and turned the volume down. "It's done. But I'm going with you."

"So are we." Mabel piped up.

Dean glared at them but Dipper continued. "We're all going. Mabel and I have dealt with Bill before, it's best if we take him on in a group."


Sam's P.O.V

You know when you're having a dream and you forget? No matter how ridiculous or absurd it is, you think it's real? The only time you realize you're dreaming is when you wake up?

Bill put all his effort in to this specific dream, to block reality out, to keep Sam in. He needed a meatsack to possess and his end of summer celebration wouldn't work as well without one.

Sam sat in the small dirty room as Lucifer sang the most annoying tunes over and over or replaced things with bugs and body parts. During the fourth or fifth encore of "Heat of the Moment" there was a knock at the door.

Pause. Lucifer went quiet. He looked shocked, even scared for a moment. "Ignore it."

The doorknob jiggled for a moment as if the door had been locked from the inside. "Ignore it Sam!"

The door burst down. When the dust cleared a few figures were visible. Dipper, Mabel and Dean walked through the doorframe.

"Dean? I thought- I thought you were dead..." Sam stuttered.

"He is Sam. You're crazy remember? Your brother is long gone." Lucifer yelled.

Dean rab up to his brother. "Damn it Sammy, this is a dream! You're not crazy! We're alive! You need to-"

"ENOUGH! I am in control here I make the rules!" Lucifer yelled as his eyes turned yellow.

Bill/Lucifer chuckled. "You know why I chose you two? I mean, you're not officially on the list like Shooting-Star or Pine-Tree here, but wow! You two have been possessed by everything! Even the devil himself." Bill gestured to his illusion. "But what I really love about you are the nightmares. Mommy burning. Daddy dying. Countless friends DEAD. All because of you. The apocalypse. Multiple times! Impressive boys! But what you really hate is yourselves." Bill snapped his fingers.

Another Sam and Dean entered the room. Other Dean winked at Mabel as his eyes turned black. Other Sam just had a bored expression on his face.

Mabel let out a little yelp and Dipper asked "Guys? What's going on?"

"I'd like you to meet Sam and Dean Winchester! My favorite versions of course." Bill laughed. "Mind if I change? This meatsuit is so four seasons ago!" A plume of blue flame covered Lucifer's body. When it faded away, Bill Cipher floated above the ground and the yellow bow-tie-and-top-hat-wearing triangle we all know and hate.

"Hello Sam. See you've got your soul back. Not like you've changed all that much." Other-Sam taunted.

"And who are these little ones?" Demon Dean asked as he knelt down to the twins' level. "We are gonna have so. Much. Fun."

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