In the Moonlight // Rick

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Author's note: This is a little warm up for me, I haven't written in almost 3 years so I'm trying to get back in the groove of things.

The sound of clattering against the fence was constant as I sat in the Guard tower, watching the writhing mass of rotting bodies. I sighed and turned my eyes up to the sky, without the light pollution from big cities the sky was so clear, and the full moon was shining beautifully.

I see movement from the corner of my eye and quickly look down, seeing a figure walking along the perimeter of the fence. I know instantly that it is Rick, he's been doing this every night for a week.

I sigh and push myself to my feet, running down the steps and heading in his direction.

"Rick?" I call softly as I approach him. His shoulders jump and he turns quickly, relaxing when he sees it's just me. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, Y/N." He mutters, not meeting my eyes.

I take a deep breath and take a few steps closer to him, hesitantly reaching out and placing a hand on his arm. At my touch he finally meets my eyes.

"Rick...You need rest. You can't keep doing this."


"No. I'm serious Rick. Talk to me, please." I beg. He stares at me for a moment, blue eyes searching mine.

"I just..." he begins "Lori...I didn't...I was so distant before..."

"Oh Rick..." I breath, cautiously wrapping my arms around him. "She wouldn't want you to be like this. She understood. I know she did, and I know she forgives you. You just need to forgive yourself."

"Y/N." He rasps, returning the hug and squeezing me against his body.

I blushed deeply at the feeling of my body pressed against his, face against his chest, but focused on comforting him. Right now that was all that mattered.

After a moment he pulled back slightly, looking at my face. His eyes glistened in the moonlight as his hand gently brushed against my cheek.

"Thank you, Y/N." He said, barely above a whisper.

I nodded slightly, unable to speak. The sound of a walker banging against the fence next to us jarred me back to reality and I pulled back from Rick, clearing my throat.

"I..I should get back to the tower." I stuttered. "And you need to get some sleep."

I glanced up at Rick and saw his lips quirk up into a smile, it feels like so long since i'd last seen his smile that I couldn't help but grin.

"I think I'll do that." He drawled. "'Night Y/N."

Rick walked passed me toward the prison, his hand brushing almost imperceptibly against my arm.

"Night Rick." I sighed. 

A/N: Sorry if it's shitty, it's my first time writing in a long time and I kind of rushed through this.

 Thanks for reading. <3

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