Chapter Fifty Nine

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80th day in Neverland

Alianna's point of view

The official debate had been six days ago, and yet up until yesterday I still had to battle every day to convince Pan to put me under the spell. After those long debates, usually consisting of at least one shouting match, we'd spend the rest of the night together, nestled against each other under the covers, talking about whatever thought went through our minds. We'd be exhausted, eyes fluttering close, but we didn't want to go asleep because we wanted to enjoy every single moment together.

And now the dreaded day had arrived, the day I was going to be put to sleep. I wasn't particularly afraid of going to sleep, but I was afraid of the goodbyes. I knew they were going teary, I had already accepted that, but I hated making people cry. And knowing that I'll be the cause of the suffering of the people closest to me, it pained me so much.


I was in a small cave, normally sealed shut but Pan had opened it so that I could have my visitors, nestled comfortably in my what was going to be my bed for the next couple of years, waiting for the people who wanted to tell me goodbye.

Sam was the first to enter. He didn't say a word, he never was really good with them anyways. Jake had gotten that talent. Instead, he just sat down on the bed next to me and hugged me tightly, burying his head in the crook of my shoulder. I don't know how he did it, but with that simple hug, he managed to convey all the things that he couldn't put in words, and I understood them all. I understood just how much I meant to him despite how little time I'd been here in Neverland, I understood his deep sadness and grief that I was leaving them for such a long time, but most importantly, I felt his comprehension and acceptance. He'd understood why I was doing what I was doing, because he would've done the exact same thing for Jake. He'd accepted my choice, and for that I was eternally grateful.

"I'm going to miss you," he managed to mumble against my neck.

I sniffed, wiping away a year before answering, "Me too."

He snorted. "Yeah right, you'll be happily asleep, you won't even have the time to miss me." He pulled away and he was grinning, despite his red rimmed eyes and the unnatural brightness in his eyes. I smiled back as another tear slipped out of my eye.

"I should go, you have so many people to say goodbye to, I'd hate to make them wait." He said and ducked his head.

With a last small smile he bustled out of the cave. I had a feeling it wasn't just because of the people waiting, but more about the fact that he didn't want to cry in front of me.


Ian was the next to enter. I quickly wiped away my tears even if it wouldn't hide my blotched cheeks and bloodshot eyes. He crouched down next to my bed, his usually joyful eyes were sad.

"So I guess this is goodbye," he said slowly.

"Hey, I'm not dying. I'm just sleeping. I'll come back," I said confidently, trying to force a smile on my lips.

"Yeah but," he shrugged, his eyes shining with what I suspected was unshed tears, "Neverland just won't be the same without you."

I smiled sadly. "I'm sure you'll get along fine without me. I was pretty useless anyways. I was lousy at hunting, I practically never helped with the chores."

The Monster Inside Peter Pan (ouat)//(Robbie Kay)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt