Chapter Thirty Three

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Alianna's point of view

I slipped quietly out of the dormitory and into the fresh night air. I appreciated the cool breeze that tickled my face and played with my hair, but none of it could lift my damp mood.

I started walking without really caring where I was going, but my legs led me without thinking to the beach. I sat down glumly on a log of dry driftwood, the water coming from time to time lapping at my feet.

I'd been really touched that Ethan and Jake had gone through so much trouble to celebrate my birthday, but like every year, my birthday reminded me of my parents. Before, I'd still had the comfort of home, the presence of my parents still had lingered, and I hadn't felt so alone. But now, I felt so alienated, torn from home and my parents, and right now I missed them so much, I hadn't felt this intense ache for a long time now.

My eyes dampened, and a tear slipped out. I wiped it away angrily, but it didn't matter. No one was here but me, no one would see me cry.

"What a surprise to see you here," the deep British accented voice sounded behind me, light footsteps followed the voice.

I didn't turn around as I hastily wiped the other years that had fallen free. Go away, I prayed silently into my head. Please just go. He didn't know yet that I was crying and I wanted it to stay that way.

His hand touched my shoulder lightly and I flinched away from his touch. "Princess?" His voice was now concerned. "What's wrong?"

Make him go away, please, make him leave.

You do realize I can here what you're thinking when you enunciate it that clearly in your head, right? Pan's voice sounded in my head.

Shit. No, I hadn't known that.

He was now in front of me. I didn't look at him, but instead looked at the sand at my feet, wiping away the tears that were now streaming down my cheeks. For some reason, every time I cry, having someone watching me just makes me cry more. He put a firm hand under my chin and pulled it gently upwards, forcing me to meet his gaze.

The moonlight was bright enough for me to make out his face, his expression. It was concerned, worried, and I could almost believe it was real, only if I hadn't known Pan didn't care at all about me.

"What's wrong?" He breathed, his eyebrows scrunching up in a worried expression.

Pan's point of view

I pulled her chin upwards, forcing her to look at me. Her eyes were red rimmed, like if she'd been crying. I saw for a second desperation and sadness in her turquoise eyes before they hardened, like if she were convincing herself of something that she didn't want to believe.

"What's wrong?" I breathed.

What had happened, I wondered. Was it Sam again? No, I reminded myself. They seemed to have made some sort of truce, even seemed to get along pretty well now.

"Nothing," she said stiffly.

I rolled my eyes and crouched down so as to get my face level with hers. "Clearly something is, or else you wouldn't be in this state."

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