Chapter 10- Accident

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Today, we flew to Tallahassee, Florida where the show is. But it's tomarrow. My dad took me, Shay, Mari, Lexi, Brina, and Mo with him. Tomarrow at the show we have a 12 divas tag team match. Me, Shay, Mari, Lexi, Brina and Mo against Kate, Anni, Gracie, Sami, Leigha, and Tana. I'm super excited because I've never been in a tag team with all my friends. And I want my friends to be able to get their hands on the others too.

When we got to the hotel, dad asked "What do you guys want to do today?" We thought for a moment, and finally Shay said. "How far is the beach?" "About an hour or so." Dad answered. "Is that what you guys want to do, then?" We got all excited and said "Yes!!" All in unison. "Alrighty then, get ready so we can go and you can have as much time we can." We all got into our bathing suits and cover ups, towels, and Mari got her favorite volleyball, and dad got snacks. We were all ready when dad decided to go to the other room in the hotel and talk on the phone. We turn on the TV and we talked. "I still get believe that John is your dad." Brina said. "I can't even believe it yet. It still hasn't quite sunken in." I said laughing. "Addison, you are so lucky!" Lexi said. I smiled at her and said "I know. And I can't wait to go to the beach! I haven't been this summer yet." I squealed excitedly. "Good job, Shay! Brina said and we all laughed as Shay said "It was nothin."

After about 15 minutes later, dad came out from the other room. "Guess what guys?" "What?" I said, turning off the TV and making eye contact with him. "We have 3 more people tagging along with us at the beach." He said. "Who is it?" Mari asked. Right after she asked, there was a knock on the door. I opened it only to find....."Randy!" I yelled and gave him a big hug. "Hey! Don't forget about me!" I heard behind him. "Phil!" (CM Punk) I said and welcomed them in. "Who's the third?" I asked them. And right after I said that, Nick, (Dolph Ziggler) made a dramatic entrance into the hotel room. "Nick!" I said and gave him a huge hug. I was excited to see him because he had been out with a concussion for 5 weeks. I wasn't able to see him at Payback because my match was after his and he had to leave during mine. "Nice entrance." I said laughing at him. "Thanks." He said cockily. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

We took 3 cars because there was so many of us. I rode with dad, along with Brina and Mo. Randy rode with Shay and Lexi. And Mari rode with Phil and Nick. (She got to the car last so we kicked her out :P) After an 45 minute car ride, we found a spot on the beach with not many people, and got settled in. It was 12:30 so we decided to eat. We ate the snacks dad packed which consisted of granola bars and fruit. After that, we decided to go play in the water. It was a scorching 95 degrees outside and this is what I was looking forward to the most. I stepped into the water and the tide came past my feet. It was cold, but it felt great. I went farther into the water and the waves came up to my knees. I felt water come up to my side. I screamed and looked over and saw Mari laughing at me. "Hey! What was that for?" I said, holding my cold arms. She laughed and I gave her a slight smile. "Watch it Addi!" Mari said. "I'm coming for you!" I said and I splashed her with the water several times until she surrendered and "The water is so cold!" "Exactly!" I said and splashed her one more time. I heard someone yell "Our turn!" I turned around and saw that Nick has said it and he and Phil were coming after all 6 of us and we ran but we weren't fast enough. They caught us and we got into a big water fight. "Dad. Help!" I yelled/laughed. Dad came running over and he saved us. I smirked at him and started to splash him as best as I could because of his height. He laughed and splashed back.

That went on for another half hour and then we settled down. We all talked and then played volleyball. The guys weren't very good they stopped because they were 'tired'. We played that for awhile and then we decided to head back to the hotel because it was getting to be late afternoon, and plus, Shay and I got sun burn on our shoulders, ouch! It took about an hour to get back because dad had to stop for gas, (and we were stopped by several fans). When we got back to the hotel we changed and dad ordered room service. We got pizza and invited the boys over again. Then we watched The Dark Knight Rises on TV. At about 11:00 dad said we needed to get to bed. He were in a room with 2 beds and dad was in a separate room. We fell asleep easily after a half hour of talking and laughing....and an occasional 'Addison!' And 'Guys stop talking!' from dad.

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