The Christmas Challenge

Start from the beginning

Turns out Percy's idea to make Annabeth love Christmas was to do everything, and I mean everything, Christmas related. Surprisingly Annabeth was having fun, most likely because gingerbread house decorating related to architecture. Well she was until her every hungry boyfriend ate it.

"Sorry" Percy mumbled through chewing

"You had eleven pancakes this morning!"


The next activity was sledding. Annabeth stood outside shivering in her thick coat and woolen scarf and gloves with a scowl on her face. Freezing to death was definitely not her idea of fun, especially when she could be inside next to the warm fire with a good book.

"Don't worry wise girl it'll be fun!" Percy encouraged. "It's Christmas, the best time of the year it-" Ananbeth cut him off.

"Sorry" she said, covering her hand with her mouth with her hand and making static sounds. "We're breaking up"

"Your not even using a phone!"

Annabeth shrugged, it was worth a shot, she was getting fed up with all this Christmas nonsense. Percy walked over and placed a blue sled at the top of the snow covered hill. He than walked over and threw a protesting Annabeth over his shoulder before placing themselves only the slay. "Ready?" Percy asked grinning wildly. "Sure" she said, grinning at the childlike look on her boyfriend's face.

"This is AWESOME!"

Annabeth grinned at Percy's enthusiasm. To her it wasn't too exciting, she had fallen of a cliff on top of a crazy monster's back, this sled had nothing on that. Just as they were about to reach the bottom of the icy hill, their sled hit a rock.

She heard Percy let out a yell as the sled went flying straight into a mountain of soft powder. Ananbeth spluttered as she sat up, spitting out snow that forced its way into her mouth. She sat up and what she saw next made the whole ordeal worth it. Percy upside down with his head stuck in the snow which was muffling his yelling while his legs flailed around in the air which revealed a huge tear in his jeans that had his finding nemo patterned boxers peaking out of it.

"Hahahahahaha" Annabeth cried, rolling around in the cold snow shaking with laughter. "O-oh my god you look s-so stupid" Annabeth gasped between laughs.

"Mmmmh hmmm mm!"

"Oh right" Annabeth said, still letting out the occasionally giggle. She walked over to where Percy was thrashing around upside down in the snow and pulled him out but his ankles. With a loud gasp Percy plopped out and flopped back onto the snow dramatically.

"Are you laughing at me? I nearly died!

Annabeth laughed his theatrics. Well that and the fact that he still hadn't realized that his pants were ripped. Percy rolled his eyes and when he turned around, probably to go change out of his snow covered clothes, Annabeth realized something. His boxers were ripped too.

"Come on!"

"Percy this is stupid"

"Please wise girl! It'll be fun, you'll see!"

"I can't believe I'm doing this" Annabeth groaned. After the whole sledding boxer incident, which resulted in Percy turning the same colour as the red ornaments on a near by Christmas tree, he had decided that the best way celebrate Christmas was to go to the mall and sit on Santa's lap. Annabeth scowled as she neared the front of the incredibly long line, all just to sit on some random old guy's lap for thirty seconds and a quick picture. They had photoshop for a reason you know she grumbled internally. Finally it was Annabeth's turn to go. She walked up the red carpeted steps and plopped herself down on the guys lap, ready to get this over with and hopping it would be quick, but he hopes were demolished because as soon as she sat down he grabbed her ass.

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