chapter 23 Fight You Better Fight!

Start from the beginning

*Trevor P.O.V*

"So, how's Alex?" I asked Diego as he was off in his own little world, not paying attention to where he was walking. He snapped out of it,

''She is fine.'' He yawned as we continue to walk though the middle of nowhere in Iraq. It was all dirt roads and abandoned biblical style buildings. It is rather beautiful, and also heartbreaking because these people's lives are forever changed.

"How's Katie?" He asked.

''She's good..'' I yawned myself. We haven't slept in 48 hours, so we are exhausted.

"Lieutenant Fred, how many more hours do we have to go?"Specialist Carl asked forgetting his manners.

When you do not say "sir" to Lieutenant Fred then he will kick you in the butt, literally he will!

"Sorry I mean Sir." he changed his tone quickly. Specialist Carl is an 23 year old kid who is on his first deployment.

"Thanks to Specialist Carl, everyone will have to walk another 6 more miles. " Lieutenant Fred informed us.

Great.. We all gave Carl and nasty look, he is young and still a foolish boy.

"Oh well, let's think of the positive. "Diego tried to cheer everyone up.

"What is positive about walking an extra 6 miles?!" Private David snapped.

"Watch that tone young man!" Lieutenant Fred yelled.

" We are all alive." Diego reminded everyone.

"We have two good legs and we can use them. Not many people have good legs to walk." He went on. I just shook my head with a giggle.

"You're odd. " Sergeant Tim looked at Diego.

"He is right though. " I agreed with him. After that little talk it was a pretty quite walk.. No noise, except crunching of the sand between our boots as we walked. I guess everyone is just really tired.

"Do you think the girls like their packages?" I asked Diego as I was trying to start a conversation. The quiet was getting to me.

"Yup I bet they do." He smiled. We had each sent them a bracelet from a little shop that was set up in the market. They were purple and pink beaded type. We thought they were adorable bracelets to send to them!

As we were walking a glare of light hit me. It hit me like a laser in the eye. Then, I heard one shot and my face got splashed with something..

"Sniper Take cover!"Lieutenant Fred screamed, everyone started running for cover around the buildings.

I was getting ready to run when I saw Diego turn to me. It was a slow motion movie feeling, he looked down at his right side of his chest and he looked at me with a scared look on his face. I saw blood just gushing out as fast as it could. I stood there for a second, in terror not knowing what to do. He tried to take one step toward me, then another shot was fired, I saw it go through his back and he fell forward.

"Diego!" I screamed running to him.I

grabbed him by his kevlar vest, and dragged him as fast as my legs could take me. I laid him down behind the alley way that was behind me. He was gasping for air, as he was trying take off his vest.

"Shit!!!Where did that come from!?" I screamed looking over at Lieutenant Fred.

"Trevor..."Diego gasped, with his hands covered in blood shivering. He couldn't get his vest off to see how bad his wounds were.

"Hang on bud!" I told him. I took my M-16 and tried to find that bastered of a sniper. When I finally was able to locate the bastered I fired. Then we saw him fall out the building.

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