t w e n t y

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Dallon and I were sitting in the cafeteria once again, just like we did yesterday. Only this time, we were waiting for Sarah and Brendon. I'd received a text in the morning from Brendon who had asked that we should meet up here.

I was anxious and it probably showed, because Dallon placed his hand upon mine and gently let his thumb brush across my knuckles. I shot him a thankful smile, since the anxiety I was feeling damped a little. But it quickly returned when I heard Brendon's laugh as he entered the cafeteria with Sarah, Patrick and Ryan following right behind.

I stood from my seat and Dallon followed my movement. Brendon smiled at me as they arrived at our table, but I couldn't see anything genuine in it.

"Hey." Brendon said and embraced me in a half-hug, with his arm wrapping around my waist and our shoulders briefly touching before he pulled back and turned to Dallon.

"And hello to you too, Dallon." He spoke and offered his hand out to the taller one. Dallon greeted him back and carefully placed his hand in Brendon's. I could see a flash of pain strike across his face when Brendon squeezed his hand.

Once everyone had exchanged awkward hello's, we made our way out of the cafeteria. Dallon and I ended up walking with Sarah and Brendon at the front.

"What class do you have?" Sarah asked me and I met her gaze.

"History." I replied and she lit up.

"Me too!" She said with a smile and I shot a half-hearted smile back at her.

"Me and Dallon have math together." Brendon announced and I looked over at him. Dallon looked down at him with a confused look on his face. That made Brendon laugh.

"I checked our schedules," he said and Dallon nodded.

The time came and we had to part ways since we were headed to different classrooms. I stood on my tiptoes and hung my arms around Dallon's shoulders, hugging him tightly before pulling back. I walked over to Brendon to give him a small hug.

"Do not get any ideas," I growled into his ear as I did, before I pulled back and saw a smug smirk covering his lips.


Seeing Dallon enter the dining hall with Brendon shouldn't have made me so uncomfortable as it did, because he was wearing a smile. And so was Brendon. But still, I felt as if something was wrong, something was not right. Or maybe, maybe, I was just jealous because someone else got to know Dallon.

I didn't think much more of it as Dallon sat next to me and grabbed my hand, giving it the familiar squeeze. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"How did it go?" I asked him quietly to not interrupt the other conversations around the table.

"Surprisingly good," he replied and giggled a little. "We're playing basketball on the break after lunch."

The smile on my lips faded, which made Dallon worried. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

I quickly shook my head. "No, no.. definitely not." I spoke and looked down. "Guess I'm just not used to sharing you."

Dallon smiled. "I miss you too." He whispered and brushed his thumb across my knuckle.

Time passed by way too quickly and suddenly Dallon was heading out the doors again along with Patrick, Ryan and Brendon. I watched them leave with a huge emptiness in my heart and the pit of anxiety in my stomach.

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