6: How memorys become nightmares

Start from the beginning

"You don't remember, huh?", the yokai spoke and crawled over to you. He helped you sitting up when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your left shoulder. You winced and yelped slightly, holding onto that shoulder.

"Are you okay!? (Y/N)!?", Tomoe asked, worry in his voice. He holded you carefully and looked at your shoulder, wich was covered in bandages.

"I-I'm fine...I just remembered what happened..", you said in an exhausted tone.

Right...that crow tengu stabbed a knife through your shoulder...after that you collapsed..

"Good...just let me see quickly", Tomoe whispered and gently unwrapped your bandages, careful to not hurt you. After that was done you nearly screamed at the sight of your shoulder, but the scream got stuck in your throat.

"H-how am I alive...?", was all you could say with a trembling voice and a horified look. Tomoe kissed your forehead.

"I think we have to thank the gods there...I have no idea myself..It almost seemed to me like you were dying, but a blue light engulfed you for a second and kinda...well...helped you", Tomoe explained while caressing your head. You noded slightly and nuzzled your head into his chest.

"Just...put some new bandages on...please...", you beeged and closed your eyes, not wanting to see this horrible sight anymore. Tomoe did as you said and wrapped new bandages around your shoulder. After he did that, he holded you tightly to him, caressing your hair until you both were interupted by a loud knock.

"Hello!? Whoever is in there, you better come out now! The relaxing time's over!" and with that, three man with weapons bursted in.

"Finally! We got the yokai!", one of the man shouted. Tomoe instantly jumped in front of you and formed a fox fire, setting everything in flames. Meanwhile, you were running away (cause Tomoe told you so) and tried to hide somewhere. It was winter, snow was lying everywhere and your footsteps were easy to see. With a horrible fear of losing Tomoe, you continued to run without looking back..

You soon found a tree wich was good to hide at and tried to hide there, but your wound suddenly started hurting terribly, making you collapse. Helpless, you lay there in the icy cold snow, trembling because of coldness and fear. You started crying, was this the end?

"T-tomoe...!", you whispered, your breath starting to become more heavy.


a low pitched voice


a high pitched voice


Now all of those voices















/Your POV/


I woke up, screaming at the top of my lungs. I was covered in sweat and tears were in my eyes, rolling down my cheeks in masses. I broke into tears, I couldn't even stop myself. No, I didn't even wanted to stop myself.

"No, no, no, no...", I mumbled under my breath while sobbing into my pyjama sleeves. I staid like this until I suddenly heard footsteps approaching and my door opening.

"(Y/N)...?", I heard a male voice say. Of course I instantly recognized that this was Tomoe's voice and I jumped up and ran to him, hugging him as tightly as he did back than...

"Tomoe...! Tomoe..!! I am so sorry...! I am so sorry..! I swear, I didn't wanted this...!!!", I cried into his chest, not even caring if he remembers or not.

"(Y-Y/N)..? What the...what are you talking about...?", Tomoe mumbled. I didn't know what was going on in his head, but after a little thinking time he hugged me as well and caressed my head, like he did back than...

"I...forgive you...", he whispered while I continued crying and leaned into his touch.

"Stop crying...I don't like to see you cry...", he than said and lifted my chin with his hand, wiping my tears away. He than lead me to my bed and sat me down on it, still his hand on my head.

"Go to sleep..and calm down...", Tomoe said and almost wanted to leave, but I quickly grabbed his hand and shook my head, crying:

"Don't leave me again...!!! Please...!". I saw Tomoe's eyes slightly widdened at that, and he laid me down on my bed and lay down next to me..

"I...won't....", he whispered and hugged me tightly. This was the first time in ages that I felt such a hug from him again..it made my heart light up and also made me cry in relief and happiness. I nuzzled up to his chest, trying to relax myself while he tried to make me calm down with caressing my head. After a little time I finally stopped crying, getting really exhausted from it. My eyelids slowly started to drop and I holded tighter onto him, and before dozing off to sleep again, without knowing, I whispered...:



BOOOM! Cliffhanger!!! :P

(For any of you who are worried now: No the story won't end so soon after 6 chapters )

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