Chap 2

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Author's pov

Finally, Sehun and Hyoyeon arrived at Suho's apartment.

Sehun knocked the door. About 20 seconds later, somebody opened the door. It was Baekhyun.

"Hyung, Kyungsoo..."

"He's gone." Baekhyun interrupted.

"What?!" Sehun widen his eyes. Then, he pushed baekhyun aside and then rushed into their apartment, leaving Hyoyeon and Baekhyun at the front door.

"Kyungsoo...Kyungsoo..." Sehun shouted. Luhan who was standing behind Sehun, tapped Sehun's shoulder. "Sehunnie..he's not here." Luhan said, calmly.

Sehun turned around to face Luhan. "Why? Why didn't he wait for me? Wae..." Sehun started to cry.

Luhan gave Sehun a warm hug. "Don't cry...I miss him too..But..he's not our old Kyungsoo anymore..."

Sehun broke the hug. "All of you thrown him out of here, right? Am I right?" Sehun started to getting mad.


Kyungsoo's pov

I reached Jihyo's noona house. Jihyo noona is my cousin. Her house located at Cheondamdong, which is not too far from my 'ex-house'. I wish I could go far away from 'them'. But I have nobody here in seoul except Jihyo noona.

I knocked the door several times. Two minutes later, Dongwook hyung who is Jihyo noona's husband, opened the door. "Kyungsoo-ah..Long time no see you. Come in."

Now, Jihyo noona is working at the hospital. Well, she is a doctor. After Dongwook hyung served me a cup of hot coffee, I told him that I have no house. I asked his permission to stay at their house. Luckily, he let me to stay there.


Hyoyeon's pov

I went back to my apartment which is just beside Suho's apartment. Actually, they have been my neighbour over 4 years now. So, I really close to all of them especially Sehun.

"Sehunnie...please stay strong..noona always with you.."

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