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In the Commune, there is a place called Grotto. It's the area where the Dathu, the leader oand ruler of a Commune, and his wives and children live. Amahterasu's Commune is called Sallet. It's been tradition to name a Commune of something that protects, to give an air of welcoming and protection. The Sallet's Dathu's Grotto is made of marble and ivory, two of the most exquisite and rare materials in the world.

"Where's my breakfast?!" someone screeched. Maids came rushing to the source of the voice. Itcame from a room made of polished marble, decorated with elaborate valouses, stuffed cryptid animals, a den which houses dresses, mufflers, gowns and and jewelry that can only be bought by the elite. Inthe middle of the room lay a gigantic bed of light pink, and pure white. Laying there was a teenage dark blue - haired girl.

"Here it is, Your Highness. Please enjoy", flustered a maid.

"You have better cooked it the way I wanted it, or else..." The girl flashed her staff, On it's topb released a yellow-gold orb of energy. The miads were all frightened. They knew their mistress has a bad temper and would not hesitate to use a spell to appease her anger. 

She ate a piece of egg and examined it's flavor.

"All right, you're safe for now." The maids were relieved beyond reasonable doubt.

She finished her meal and went straight to her bathhouse. The place was beautiful, almost like an oasisin the middle of a Sandwave. It was decorated with vials of bathing equipment, perfumes and a fountain in the middle.

"Baii Xanaehla, I've bought to you you're best garments."

"What the hell took you so long? Bring it here, slave!!!"

The miad hurriedly placed the clothes at the edge of the pool, while Xanaehla bathes gingerly.

"I swear I have to deal with some pretty stupid people around here. Maids, heh, so typical."

Xanaehla splashed water on her hair and face, then proceeded to put the contents of the vial on her ringlets. She then began humming. She believes that she is the most beautiful being created and she has everything. Anyone who opposed received a rather painful response from her. 

She looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"You see this, you morons? This is the face of perfection and-"

She counted her slaves, only seven. As she remembers she has eight.

"Wait a minute.......WHERE"S-"

Just as she has finished her scowl, an innocent, beautiful young girl came rushing to the line of maidds in the bathhouse. The girl has light chocolate-blond hair, unbrushed and untamed, and was clad with servant's clothes. Even in that form, the everyone looked at her in admiration and awe, save one.

The spoiled Xanaehla looked the her with furious rage, while the girl kept her head down, knowing that the result of her tardiness was a fatal one...

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