Let me give you my love

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I just was busy. Y'know, Christmas shopping? Anyway, enjoy! :-)
Song-Let me give you my love by Utada Hikaru
Maybe it's not worth the wait,
Maybe I should walk away,
I don't wanna waste my energy,
Can you and I stop acting like fools?
Or move on to other people,
It's funny, but I'd like to settle,
I was sort of like soul-searching,
But your body's so jaw-Dropping,
Some say it's rulebreaking,
But times are changing,
Hurry up, baby,
Hurry up, baby,
Let me give you my love,
Hurry up,
Let's turn this room into a melting pot,
Giddy up, baby,
Giddy up, baby,
Let me give you my love,
Buckle up boy,
I know your gonna like what I got,
(Y/N)'s point of view
I, have an announcement to make. There is this boy that I really really like. His name is Sora. Every girl seems to want him. He has everything a chick could ask for. Good looks, a real hero, and a funny personally. His hair is cute to. How it defies the laws of gravity. Then, when I was strolling through twilight town, (That's where you and all of the kingdom hearts character's live. Well, most of them.) I saw Aqua in the sandlot. I thought to myself 'Maybe Aqua can give me helpful tips on how to confess my feelings to Sora. Like how she did with Terra.' I walked up to her and I said "Hello Aqua!" Then she said "Hello (Y/N)! Look what I made! It's a wayfinder! I thought of giving it to you." I said "Thank you Aqua. I have a question. Ok, I like this person named Sora. I want to tell my feelings to him, but I don't want to look like a fool. Can you help me? You were able to confess to Terra." Aqua then said "Well (Y/N), what if you just be brave and think positive?" Then I said "Yeah, but Sora probably likes someone like Kairi or Namine'." Aqua then said "You can't be the judge of that automatically. Just try." Then I said "Ok, thank you Aqua!" Then she said "Your welcome (Y/N)! Tell me how it goes." Then I went off to find Sora. ~ Timeskip~ When I found Sora near the mansion, I said "Hey Sora!" Then he said "Woah! Hello (Y/N)! What do you want?" Then I said "Ok, Sora. There's something that I need to get off of my chest. (Inhale, exhale.) Ok, I, I l-l-love y-y-you. But you're probably liking Kairi or some cute girl like that. So, goodbye!" I started to walk away thinking in my head "I knew that would be a total failure!!!! I HATE myself for confessing to Sora! I will never forget this horrible day." Then Sora grabbed me and he said "Don't go (Y/N). Because, I love you too. Kairi was just someone that I liked sometime ago. You're everything I could ask for." Then Sora pressed his lips to mine. I was thinking to myself "Wooooooo!!!!!" But I couldn't cheer like that. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and I played with his hair. :-) We broke away minutes later then Sora said "C'mon (Y/N), let's go take a nice stroll together." I wrapped my arm around Sora's like a pretzel and I thought to myself 'This is the best day ever!' End. Awwwwwww!!!!!!!!! :-)

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