Chapter 8

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Carter's POV:

"Hey, Carter! Can you come downstairs for a second?" Tori yells from downstairs.

I stare up at the white ceiling, blankly. We've been here for a week already and I've become accustomed to Tori's sneaky ways to get Louis and I close. I will admit that Louis and I are already acting like best friends again, it's impossible not to. We have that kind of friendship that never dies out, even if we haven't talked in years. Tori and I have become really good friends this past week, too.

"Carter!" Tori shouts again.

I roll my eyes, climbing out of my bed. I've been lazy today by laying in bed ever since I woke up at ten.


"I'm coming! Chill out!" I laugh, making my way down the stairs. I spot everyone standing around the door with big grins on their faces. I stop on the last step, a bit freaked out by them. "What's going on?"

"About time you got down here." Tori jokes. "Somebody is at the door for you." She jerks her thumb over her shoulder at the front door.

I bound down the last step, excitedly. "Who is it? Is it Riley?!" I push past them, wanting to see who is outside. I swing open the door where a familiar girl is pulling a suitcase out of a car.

"Well, don't just watch me struggle with this, boys." She spins around, her hands placed on her hips.

"Cher!" I sprint down the porch to my old best friend that I haven't seen in ages.

"Hey, girl!" Cher hugs me just as tightly as I hug her. "It's been way too long!"

"What are you doing here?" I ask, grinning broadly.

"I was told that someone needs my help." Cher steps back, staring over my shoulder. "It's good to officially meet you." Cher greets Tori.

"You too. Much better than talking over Skype." Tori gives her a small hug.

They've been talking over Skype. This is not good. Tori and Cher are both devious matchmakers. The two of them may be worse than Cher was with Riley. Please tell me that Tori did not ask Cher to come here to help her get Louis and I together. This is not good.

"Harry!" Cher wobbles forward in her wedges on the snow covered grass. Harry scoops Cher in a big hug.

I wonder how long it's been since they've seen each other. Considering that the two of them are gripping onto each other tightly, I would assume that it has been a while. I always thought that the two of them would be adorable together.

"Alright. Break it up, lovebirds." Niall pushes them apart to hug Cher himself.

"Um. Tori?" I walk over to her while the rest of the boys hug Cher. "Why is Cher here? Don't get me wrong, I've missed her like crazy, but I know you too well. Something is going on."

Tori feigns an innocent look. "What are you talking about? I invited Cher because I knew the guys missed her. I'm just looking out for my best friends."

I purse my lips, and turn to see Louis and Cher whispering to each other, occasionally glancing at me. "Then why are Cher and Louis talking about me?" I question her.

"Why don't you go ask them?" Tori continues to act all innocent.

"Fine. I will, but I swear if you two are planning on someway to get Louis and I together, it's not going to happen. I'm not into him." I point my finger at her, slowly backing away.

"Denial." Tori coughs, smirking.

"I'm not in denial!" I place my hands on my hips.

"Yes, you are." Cher smiles at me, wrapping her fingers around my wrist. "Why don't you show me my room?" She widens her eyes a little bit.

"You're probably sharing with one of the guys." I tell her.

"Why don't you show me?" Cher tugs on my arm towards the house.

"I don't know which room it is, though." I shake my head at her.

"You haven't changed at all, have you?" Cher chuckles, looping her arm all the way through mine, leading me to the house. "I was trying to say that I wanted to talk to you alone. You don't make things easy."

An 'o' shape forms on my lips. "Why didn't you just say that? No one would have cared." I motion at everyone behind us.

"I didn't want them to know that we would obviously be talking about why Tori invited me here for two weeks." Cher steps into the house first, gazing around the room at everything. "You do know why Tori invited me, right?" She spins to face me.

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out." I climb up the stairs with her following behind me. "You and Tori are the most devious matchmakers that I know. The guys must have told her about your matchmaking ways. The two of you together is going to be very bad for me. I think I'll just camp out in my room for the whole weeks." I pass by my room.

"You wouldn't have to worry about us if you would just get back together with Louis." Cher bumps hips with me.

I shake my head, picking Harry's room for her to share with. "He's just a friend. This is Harry's room. I don't think he will mind sharing with you."

"You have such a bad case of denial." Cher strolls into the room. "Um. There's only one bed." She points to the queen sized bed.

"Louis and I's room is the only one with two beds. Besides you and Harry are best friends, right? Sleeping in the same bed shouldn't bother you." I smirk at her, crossing my arms.

"You're right it won't. I just don't think my boyfriend would approve." She perches herself on the edge of the bed.

My jaw drops open. "You have a boyfriend? Dang. I was hoping you would end up with Harry." I pout.

Cher's smile falters. "We'll, I'm with..Chad now."

"Chad?" I raise an eyebrow at her, not quite believing her.

"Yep." She jumps up from the bed. "Now stop changing the subject. You and Louis belong together. You two always have! Once you just accept that fact, everything will be okay. Louis loves you and you lov-"

"No!" I raise my voice. "I'm so tired of hearing this. I'm not in love with Louis. Once everyone accepts that fact, everything will be better." I snap at her, tired of all of this about Louis and I.

Cher stands up, and slowly walks to stand in front of me. "Wow." She breathes. "You are so set on believing that you don't love Louis that you completely miss the fact that you are crazy about him. I was able to tell at the X Factor house and I can tell now. When I leave here in two weeks, I guarantee that the two of you will be dating again."


Author's Note:

This is a short chapter, but I figured that having Cher come back makes up for it? I think it does.

Cher is back, yes, but I have not forgotten about Belle. She'll be back.

So, what do you think of Cher staying there for two weeks? Do you think she is right that they will be dating by the time she leaves? What about the mysterious Chad?

So, yeah!

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