Chapter 3

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A random pale arm shoots out of Carter's bedroom, wraps around my wrist, and pulls me into the dark room. I stumble over my feet, nearly falling into the room. The door shuts behind me, and the hand around my wrist lets go. Is Louis playing a prank on me? This isn't funny. A bright light flashes on, causing me to wince from the quick change of lighting.

"Ow." I mutter under my breath, blinking my eyes to adjust to the light.

Once my eyes adjust to the lights, I recognise the person standing in front of me as Carter. Her arms are crossed across her chest while she has a weird look on her face. Carter almost looks scared. Is she okay?

"Why are you pulling me into your room?" I ask her, looking around the room she has to share with Louis.

"Is there a way you can have someone take my place in Spin the Harry?" Carter asks me, still standing in front of me.

"I don't think so." I shake my head at her, already knowing where this is going. "We already have the questions planned out."

Carter sighs. "Can you at least tell me who I am going up against? Please tell me that it's not Louis." She begs, clasping her hands together.

"I wish I could tell you, but I can't. The guys want it to be a surprise." I smile, apologetically at her.

Carter's shoulders slump in defeat. "Can you tell me anything about what is going to happen in this game?"

"Um. Not really." I frown. "I'm sorry." I spin around and open the door about to walk out.

"Please tell me you aren't asking any personal questions or anything about Louis." Carter asks me, right before I walk out.

"Of course not." I smile at her, innocently. Carter grins a genuine smile at my words. "The guys will be." I finish.

I watch as Carter's smile disappears from her face. Yeah, that would be my reaction too if I knew the boys would be asking me personal questions. I saw a few of the questions that they wrote down. I would be worried like Carter is.

I step out of the bedroom, making my way downstairs with Carter right behind me. I hope she doesn't hate me too much after this game. There is no doubt that she will be annoyed by the other guys after they ask the questions. Harry will probably be the only safe one because all he does is spin. He only wrote like two questions.

"Found her!" Charlotte announces, running past me to Carter. She grabs Carter's arm, and drags her off towards the living room.

I laugh at Carter nearly tripping over her feet as she tries to keep up with Charlotte. How does Charlotte have so much energy stored up? It's like having a second Louis except in a female version.

"Tori!" I hear my name being called from behind me.

Before I can spin around to see who it was, a hand grabs the back of my shirt and forces me backwards. I trip over my own feet, and land on my butt. When did I become so clumsy?

"Oops! My bad, Tori!" Louis rushes to my side, and helps pick me up off of my butt.

"Thanks for tripping me." I glare at him as I stand up on my feet.

"I didn't mean to!" Louis defends himself. "I didn't know you would have tripped!" He holds his hands up in surrender.

"It's okay. I forgive you." I pinch his right cheek.

"Hey!" Louis slaps my hand away.

"Now why did you pull me in here?" I look around the dimly lit hallway.

"I need to ask you a question." Louis stuffs his hands in his front pockets.

"Is this about Carter?" I sing her name, smirking. A faint pink blush spreads across Louis's cheek. I was right! "Awh! You're blushing!" I pinch his cheeks again.

"Stop pinching my cheeks!" Louis pretends to glare at me, taking a step back. I laugh at him, hysterically. "Can I ask my question now?"

"Go ahead." I wave my hand for him to continue.

Louis rocks on his heels, like he is nervous. "Well, you know how we agreed on having me go against Carter in Spin the Harry? I was hoping that you would take my place instead?" He asks, hopefully.


Louis runs a hand through his hair. "Carter probably expects it to be me. I don't want her to seem uncomfortable. And, I was wondering if you could get all of the lads out of the house for tomorrow?"

"Wait. Why do you need them out of the house? You're not asking her on a date are you? I don't think Carter is ready for that." I shake my head at him. That would scare her off, if anything.

"No, I'm not asking her out. I just thought I could hang out with her without the lads teasing me." Louis explains to me.

"Okay. I'll get them out of the house." I agree to his plans. "And, I guess I'll take your place in the game. Just promise me that no one will ask me any embarrassing questions."

Louis bites his lip. "I'm afraid I can't do that."


Author's Note:

This is short. I'm sorry. Don't hate me!

Next chapter will be a lot better. I just wanted to get something posted before I go to the beach next week for a whole week.

I just posted the preview/prologue to a new story called Fingers Crossed! Please go check it out and read the author's note. It will mean a lot to me!

Question...Any questions you want the boys to ask Tori?

So, yeah!

Worth The Wait (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon