"Whatever. Peter, can you go catch Miss Woods up?" Mr King asks, getting into work mode.

"Of course, sir." Peter answers and I smile. 

Peter leads me out to my desk and starts explaining the files and papers he had done, the appointments, etc.

"How's Grey, Peter?" I ask and he sighs.

"Grey wasn't very happy when I told him to back off a little. I felt terrible for what happened to you and I knew I could have prevented it if I had done my job properly so I told him that I was going to work without him breathing down my neck. He's angry at me but he blames you. I told him to get fucked and now he's not talking to me." Peter answers sadly and I frown.

"Peter, Grey is a good guy overall but he can be a dick sometimes. Grey is very protective over you so you telling him to fuck off will feel like you are rejecting him. My suggestion is that after work today the two of us go and talk to him so he can get his anger out at me but I can be there to protect you if he lashes out." I say and he nods.

"Alright but I don't really know if I want to talk to him at the moment." He replies and I raise an eyebrow.

"Why not?" I ask.

"He's been having sex with other people, I think. I keep feeling this burning pain at night and all I can think is about is him touching other people." Peter answers and my anger flares.

"You don't have to come tonight if you don't want to but I will definitely be going to talk to him." I say and he nods.

Peter sits down on the couch in the waiting room while I do my work. I quickly catch up on everything I've missed as well as doing my normal work.


"You never cease to impress me, Miss Woods." Mr King says.

"I've been itching to get back to work properly since last week so I happily worked at my own pace while having drinks and snacks in between. I'm really glad things are back to normal." I reply and he chuckles.

"Well, I'm glad to have you back again. You can go home now though and I'll see you tomorrow." He says.

"Bye Nate, have a good night." I reply and he nods in reply. I go out to my desk and get my stuff before leaving. I get down to my car to see Peter leaning against it.

"I wanna come talk to Grey with you because it's gonna decide whether I stay with him or not." Peter says and I nod.

"Hop in then." I reply.

We both get in the car and I drive to the castle first.

"What's this place?" Peter asks.

"This is where I live now, with Liam." I answer and he nods.

We both get out of the car and I take my stuff inside.

"Where's Liam?" Peter asks.

"He'll be around somewhere." I answer with a shrug.

We walk up to Liam's room and I open it to see Liam moving things around in the wardrobe.

"You didn't have to do that, Liam." I tell him as I walk into the room.

Liam turns around with a smile, "I know but I wanted to. How was your day?"

"It was good but Peter and I have some business to sort with Grey so I'm going to get changed then go." I answer and he frowns.

"Alright but you be careful." He says and I nod before kissing his cheek.

I change into black short shorts, blood red tank top, black leather jacket and black converse. Liam kisses my lips softly and I smile when we pull back. He slaps my ass as I walk towards the bedroom door and I giggle.

"I'll be back later." I tell him.

"I look forward to it." He replies and I smile.

I grab Peter's hand and teleport us to the border of Grey's territory before waiting.

"What if he doesn't want to talk?" Peter asks worriedly.

"No matter how angry he is with you he will always want to talk to you. You are his mate and I can guarantee his wolf is nagging at him to apologise and make up with you." I answer and he nods.

Grey's wolf jumps out from the trees and stops in front of us. He shifts and pulls on a pair of shorts before crossing his arms over his chest.

"Get it out, Grey." I tell him and he sighs.

"Becky, I am truly sorry that you got so sick and that it was partially my fault. I didn't realise what I was doing because I was focused on Peter and how happy he made me. When Peter told me to fuck off it was a wake up call to me but I was too scared to come and talk to either of you. Peter, I'm sorry for ignoring you, I love you so much but I was hurt when you told me to fuck off. My intention was not to hurt you or Becky." Grey says.

I was slightly shocked to be honest. I was expecting yelling, swearing, hitting trees and all around anger but no, instead we got an apology.

"I forgive you, Grey. I realise your intention was not to hurt me and I understand that your focus was mainly on Peter but advice for the future would be to focus on everything going on around you as well." I reply and he smiles.

"Thank you, Becky." He says and I smile.

"Hug?" I ask and he nods.

I step forward and give him a hug. After our hug we step back and turn to Peter who looks unsure. Peter turns around and walks over to a tree before sitting down. I tell Grey to wait while I go over and talk to Peter.

"Peter, what's wrong?" I ask softly.

"I don't understand. I want to forgive him but that burning pain I occasionally got keeps me from doing so." He answers and I sigh.

"Have you and Grey mated?" I ask and he nods.

"Yea but what does that have to do with anything?" He asks.

"Your body was acknowledging the fact that you were apart from your mate so it would push you to go to him, causing a burning pain. Grey wasn't cheating on you but by staying away from you it was causing pain." I answer and he looks up at me with sad eyes.

I look at Grey and nod. Grey quickly walks over before crouching down in front of Peter. He takes Peter's hands carefully in his before kissing them softly.

"Baby, I never meant to hurt you and I would definitely never cheat on you. You are the most amazing, sweet, handsome, sexy person I know and I don't want anyone else but you. I am so sorry for hurting you but if you forgive me and give me another chance I promise to try be better for you." Grey says softly.

Peter throws himself at Grey and they both end up on the ground hugging and laughing.

"I love you too, Grey, and I forgive you. I don't want you to change for me because I like you the way you are but I would like for you to loosen the grip you have on me a little bit." Peter replies and Grey nods.

"I can do that." He says.

"Ok, well I'm glad this is sorted. I'm going to go home to my beloved and spend some quality time with him. Call me if you need me." I say and they look up at me.

"Thank you for this, Becky." Grey says and I smile.

"Any time." I reply.

They smile at me before getting up and hugging me. We pull back and I wave before teleporting to Liam's room.

Liam is lying on the bed looking up at the ceiling but doesn't notice I'm here so I strip down to my bra and panties before crawling onto the bed. Liam looks at me and smiles before pulling me onto him. I smile down at him before straddling him and kissing him passionately.

He flips us over and works his magic.

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